How can I improve my lines?

I feel like my lines are too scratchy and random
Its like i am putting too many lines in a sketch
Any feedback is appreciated.
Asked for help
thanks for the feedback everyone
update :
any advice is appreciated
I'd say slow down and spend longer observing before placing a line. Then ghost the line several times before you draw it. This helps you mentally visualise the line before committing to it. In addition to this, think about what your drawings are for. Are they finished pieces you're going to show an audience or are they a rough sketch in preparation for a more finished piece later down the line? Searching for the right line when you're in the planning stages is perfectly normal.
Slow down, no need to hurry, and when you're done drawing, put a fresh sheet on top and see where you can improve your lines...
ok- first off- there's a lot charm in your lines right now, lots of personality to them. But you aren't wrong in feeling like you want to control them more, because there will be times where you need to. So here's an exercise for that. (see image)
Draw with intention. Draw with a concentrated effort to follow through with the line in one stroke and to use minimal lines. Just drawing with a pen will not help but it may help realize what lines are being put down and what are necessary.
thanks man
i think i am drawing while being distracted (listening to podcasts/youtube videos)
also i may be drawing too fast (still new to drawing so i can't really control my tembo,i just draw as fast as possible)
i will try to slow down and focus more
Draw with a pen, it will suck at first but trust me it helps you pay attention way more to the lines you put down. I used to have the same problem as you but after I got into ink drawing and general doodling with ink I found my line drawings in general got way better.
On the flip side feel free to leave those loose wild lines and just ink on top of them later if you want to present them!