First Post - Excited to be here!
Blake Pawlikowski
I've followed Proko for awhile on YouTube, but this week started looking at the site and have been following some of the free videos. Hope to get some gift cards for Christmas to get a premium course or two.
Anyway, I'm excited about the community aspect of this and look forward to participating/contributing!
I'm attaching some drawings, despite not necessarily feeling they're the quality I'm capable of. On the pear and portrait exercises I only used an HB pencil, so my values were limited. I may revisit these and use additional pencils to open up my value range. The Jeff Watts skull was just following the video of the master study...I'd like to do this again with the original image to reference vs. keeping up while watching the video.
Finally, the cat sketch I did while watching the simple shapes live stream. I obviously pushed further than keeping it at simple shapes, but it was a fun sketch to do. I've had that source image in a drawing reference folder on my phone for some time. I expect I'll revisit this one for a more refined drawing at some point, likely on grey tones paper...some things are off a bit, but generally happy with the result for a quick sketch.
I'm open to any and all feedback/thoughts. Thanks in advance! Hope to "meet" some of you soon!
The cat is very cool. I think that instead of going into details, you should think about the primitives and add light. A good exercise is to work from dark to light. Cover the paper with graphite and then use a kneaded eraser to bring out the light.
Thanks for the suggestion! I've considered repeating this same subject and using different approaches. For that sketch, I used a single pencil for all that values. There wasn't much preparation before jumping into it. Just sketching in the moment, I suppose. I sometimes use grey toned paper with markers for darks and white gel pens for highlights. Some examples are in my folder called "Covid Work".
Hey, xyon...lovely rendering of the pear. Just to let you know, you posted this under one of my posts as a comment vs its own subject, so it might get overlooked.
The cat drawing is a good start, I would suggest a relook at the eyes. The photo hints at the glassy eye effect that cat have. Yours is almost there, but maybe improved if they were more bulged out and detailed in the iris areas. As always, my advice is just an observation.