Female figure
Hi, I justified finished this figure drawing . I tried to make it as accurate as possible without pushing the details and the shadows too far. Do you have any feedback for me ?
Asked for help
Hello all!
I am new to this forum and desperately what get your valuable advice on the drawings I attach! Please do give me some critiques! Numerous thanks
You have been very helpful! How do you think the lines? Are they of good quality? Many thanks
I think the biggest issue is that the pose is stiff, it needs some gesture. Also the feet are different sizes and the torso is in a 3/4 view but the arms are in profile.
So I did a sketch to show you your pose with gesture, and a pose that is more dynamic. I hope this helps :)
What I noticed is that your pose is too straight up and down, causing it to look stiff. The arms also look too short. I did a quick sketch to show you what I mean :)
I see what you mean, it does make it look very stiff. Thanks a lot for your detailed response!