Alex Ross Kingdom Come master study.
Gannon Beck
I've been working on this one for a little while. This is a gouache study of an Alex Ross painting. I'm trying to follow along with what I know about his process. In this book, "Mythology" he does a demonstration of his process where he does a black wash underpainting before he adds color. I'm just about done with the underpainting and will start on the color probably tomorrow.
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Gannon Beck
More progress on this Alex Ross gouache master study. I'm a little late to the party on master studies. I had essentially done them when I was a kid--copying various comic book covers and the like--but it was something I felt I needed to grow out of. Now I realize that it is a great way to help understand process. While I want to work my way to doing original compositions, I think I'm going to keep master studies a permanent part of my regimen. In addition to the learning that occurs, it's a wonderful way to simply appreciate art I enjoy.
Patrick Bosworth
This is really coming along beautifully! I'd love to hear your rundown on the process/materials. Are you locking your value painting down with fixative before layering colors?
Steve Lenze
already looking fantastic at this stage! did you use a grid to ensure accurate scaling from the original?
Gannon Beck
I did. Since it was going on illustration board, I couldn't use a light box. It was my first time using a grid to transfer a drawing, and I was a little nervous about it (and this whole study, really) but the process worked well.
Aaron Smith
Great work! Looking forward to seeing this one completed.
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