Activity Feed

Kevin Morehouse
added comment inDemo - Hierarchy of Importance Line Weight
Here's mine for the 'Hierarchy of Importance' exercise:

Zachary Carlson
Looks great! I like your approach. Many of us did a dark outline around the entire animal but I agree that the eye and horns were the most important and your line work does a great job drawing my eyes to those areas.
Zachary Carlson
Asked for help
This was fun! I did the two Level 1 versions and one with an imagined light source from the bottom.
Asked for help
Pre-demo! Looking at some of the other submissions, i'm wondering if I focused too much on CSI lines and not enough on the sketching that we learned. Also something weird about this hand. But whatever. Drawing is fun!
Zachary Carlson
Asked for help
Snail boots before the demo. I'll do the other two images after watching the snailBoot demo. One thing I'm having trouble with is that when I use a harder pencil for light lines, it digs into my paper and I can see the scratches even after erasing the graphite.
Camel and skelly done. I skipped some of the bones. I feel compelled to draw cross contour lines to these types of simplified drawings but I didn’t do it.
Zachary Carlson
Asked for help
Tricky to get nice clean lines and edges, especially when my hand was smudging everything around. Getting face proportions and alignment right is hard! Mine looks too narrow still.
I decided to do another one after watching the demo. Reference here: This went a bit better. Looking at it now, I think I could improve eyes, pushing the darks, and keeping the shapes clear.
Asked for help
Post demo attempt. I don’t think it’s right, but I can’t tell what’s wrong 😭😭 help pls
This looks really good to me! In terms of what might be making it look a little wrong to you, the right eye looks a bit high compared to the reference photo.
I'm really enjoying the course so far, and I'm excited for the planned content! However, one thing I don't see mentioned in the overview is lettering! Will that be part of section on panel design? Are we going to discuss lettering at all (in terms of balloon shape, placement of text, different strategies for indicating emotion, feeling, different types of speakers, etc.)?