Noe (Noah) Martin
Inland Empire, CA
I enjoy creating creature art of animals, extinct life, and fictional creatures! Mainly focusing on becoming a creature designer for gaming industry
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Noe (Noah) Martin
added comment inThe Ape Skeleton
Asked for help
Hey David! Here's my submission for the ape skeleton assignment. I threw everything onto one canvas so it's convenient to look at each sketch/study you had assigned to us. Not sure if I should simplify the shapes/details more but I suppose that comes with growth of confidence and experience
(I also chose the orangutan skull. I don't think i've done a creature design based off of an orangutan yet, so this may be a good opportunity)
Helloooo I'm Kenny, I'm 18 from Ecuador, and this is my artwork for The Demon Prince... Well PRINCES, technically. Mama gave birth to conjoined twins and big bro is a few milliseconds older than little bro. Big bro is more developed than little bro so he carries him around like a backpack. Painting was done traditionally with acrylics (cus oils are too expensive lol)
I really like that conjoined twin idea! I honestly didn't even know your final piece was traditional until I read your description. Nice work dude!
So I'll be honest, I'm not great at drawing people but I can definitely whip up a creature design. So maybe that was a nice bonus challenge for me while drawing this "Demon Prince" without drawing an actual humanoid prince. I included a little bit of my conceptual work, but I decided to use a horse as the base since a prince charming is usually associated with his noble steed. So I felt a horse would be a perfect option since this was going to be more creature based. There's a quite a bit I can talk about regarding the design but I don't want to speak for too long. Though, all of my references and design choices came from either cultural nobility or mythology. Enjoy!
This is my favorite Demon Prince! I love horse- and dragon-like creatures like this <3
Noe (Noah) Martin
An illustration of some Carnotaurs I completed recently. Gonna post pieces I've made to get my account caught up with where I'm at currently
Heyo! First off, thank you guys for giving everyone this opportunity and taking your time to look at everyone's submissions. Secondly, thank you Peter for that Light Box livestream the other day. That really helped me take a step back and think about what I wanted this submission to be.
Try to guess all the references before reading! :
- This here is an Armored Simitema and it is an arthropod that has adapted similar proportions to that of the Lemuridae family. Being a paleoartist and creature designer, I wanted to make sure all my references looked as natural as possible to the creature and it's environment.
- For the Simitema, I referenced the lemur, locust, motorcycle (fuel tank), the spiked monument, and the french armor (color scheme and spear).
- For the environment I referenced the scarab beetle, rapier guards, gun, and fungus images.
I hope you guys love it!
How did you become so radically cool?
Nah, but in all seriousness, I've been think about the path I want to take as an artist. I love drawing creatures and currently I draw lots of paleoart and fantasy creature designs. Im currently an intern as a paleoartist and it's fantastic so far, but a part of me wants to also reach into the game/movie industry creating creatures.
As a newbie, should I just stick to what I have for now or should I try to branch out early on? I hope the context I gave made the question a bit more clear. Thanks Scott!
I think it all started 1989, when I encountered my first florescent colored Maui and Sons t-shirt..and then again in 1990 with the release of the original Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles film. When I left that movie theater in Fontana California I knew then exactly what kind of tubular dude I wanted to become.
But more seriously, I seen no reason not to branch out from your paleoart roots into creature design. I think the two go hand in hand. The one will inform/benefit the other and vice versa.
Thanks for the fun question :)
Cowabunga Broah.
Noe (Noah) Martin
Hey Jeremy! I love drawing creatures, and I consider myself a paleoartist and a creature designer. As you can see I have plenty of creature art but not many of them have environments. Are there any tips you have about making simple yet effective backgrounds than mainly showcase the character/creature?
Zachary Rains
Hello there :) my name is Zach and I'm from Australia.
So cool to see so many skilled artists in here, really looking forward to getting to know everyone and their work. I think it's invaluable to be able to connect to other artists, to learn from and inspire each other.
I love to draw all sorts of subject matter, usually of a more macabre nature. I mostly work traditionally and enjoy working in graphite or ink. I always find myself getting lost in doing little details and gritty textures. In the last few months I've started colouring my work digitally. So I'd love to learn all that I can from some digital artists :)
Even though I've been drawing ever since I could hold a pencil, sharing my work has been a recent development (especially to an online audience). It really has been an eye opener for me, how kind and supportive other artists are. I guess we are all in the same boat
Here are a few of my pieces :)
Love the attention to details! When I was first learning art my uncle (who is also an artist) had me trace and recreate manga panels from Berserk. Kentaro Miura, the author/artist, put so much detail into his ink work and this reminds me of that
Hey! My name is Noe and I love drawing creatures of all shapes and sizes. I wish to work as both a creature designer and a paleoartist in the near future but I am always trying to figure out how to improve my art. I really look forward to communicating with everyone and hopefully discover unseen flaws and ways I can improve my art while making friends!
(Left: Werewolf Design, Right: Thylacoleo Paleoart)
Hi Noe great to meet you :)! Cool creatures although I wouldn't want to meet one alone in a forest! I like the believable forms and your natural but still vibrant use of color.
Noe (Noah) Martin
Heyo! Just posting recent illustrations of mine. Cataloging my process from the start to where I get in a few months or so participating here on Proko. Here's where I'm currently at with my skill level, and hope to learn from the Proko community!