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added comment inPortrait painting
woah ! , real? ??
Lol yes
In progress with final touches, oil painting on linen 16×20"
Ha Minh
I like the textures in colleration with the expression of the subject. This one can use more color temperature variations. If this light source is very warm and illuminates the whole scene with warmth then you can add cooler transitional halftone and keep both your light and shadow warm. Also I think the light part within the shadow half of the picture needs to be darken and cooler to push back a little bit. It's so exciting to see fellow traditional painters. Sorry for commenting so much. haha.
Thank you! Please don't apologize for commenting , this was an experiment, I tried a different approach, now I see the lack of playfulness of colors temperatures, thank you again!
Ha Minh
It's a wonderful painting! Having that said I think it can benefit from some lighting clarification. Right now she looks like she's under water. If you're going for the ambient soft light sort of look, you can still group the lights and the darks into big passages first before breaking them down, whilst maintaining the hiarachy. How do you find painting oil on paper? I usually find it very absorbent and after a short while the colors would start to lose their chroma. Your colors look wonderfully rich tho. Also I think it would help if you include dimensions for your future posts.
Thank you for the feedback, I agree , I need to pay attention to the light directions , I rush things normally and did not want to use more time, my time is limited lol .
I sometimes gesso the sketchbook paper. Sometimes I dont and result in lack of chroma.
Just a practice in sketchbook, any feedback welcomed.
I like it, you may need to add variety of cool colors to play with the warm colors, also adjusting some chroma in the lights , just an opinion, i like your work.
I painted it in 2 stages , rough stage as a block in, then more or scumbling and glazing, any feedbacks welcomed
Leon ter Molen
Hi @colormeant ,
What a beautiful painting!
My opinion:
The mouth is what jumps out at me first. Because of the red colour, and also because it's quite an graphic shape (with some harder edges) in the painting. Was it your intention to make the mouth the main focus of the picture? If not, I feel that perhaps some more hard edges in the areas you want the viewers' focus to go first, could improve the picture a bit . Also, I think that some more hard edges would give the face a bit more structure.
Furthermore I think that the use of some more cool colours could make the painting pop a bit more. And last but not least, I think that the shape of ear on the light side could be a bit more defined.
Quite an intriguing painting, I like it!!
Hi @Leon ter Molen ,
Thank you for the feedback, I agree with you.
That painting was an experiment trying to achieve a specific aesthetic. The right ear was neglected, it needs cool colors. The mouth kind of a focus by keeping the edges sharp. I like some of the results. I will utilize them better in the future. Again thank you!