tina boroviak
tina boroviak
Activity Feed
tina boroviak
I’ll continue to work on this, but would appreciate some feedback at this stage. Children are quite a challenge with so many soft edges.
Morgan Weistling
everything is there to make this reach the next level. You just need to take a photo of it with your phone and then convert to black and white. Then look at the reference and treat it like a charcoal drawing and correct the drawing in color. Your brush needs to be thought of as a charcoal pencil and it's just about getting the drawing more accurate. All the paint on the canvas is fine. Just needs more accuracy.
tina boroviak
Moved onto this intermediate stage because I needed a little break from finalizing the first portrait. Still working on edges and shapes. Happy to hear any feedback.
Morgan Weistling
You are not squinting for your values, or shadow patterns. Your shadows are too light and there is not enough contrast between light and shadow. Look the attached shot. Use rapid eye movement back and forth between your painting and the photo. Look at each part individually to check. Look at the nose in your painting then quickly look at the nose in the photo. back and forth. compare. train yourself to see where you are off and then fix it. Squint when you do this too.
tina boroviak
Asked for help
Still working on the background as well as the rest, but I thought I’d share for any feedback. Really enjoying this class Morgan.
Morgan Weistling
looks good! go back into your average shadow mixture and find the shadows that have gotten too light on you. Like the shape of the shadow under nose. Get specific and try to nail those little shapes that make up the bigger ones.
tina boroviak
The approach is outside of my comfort zone, but compared to my usual approach, which is more overall structural I think I got the likeness sooner. Concentrating on shapes and truly seeing them is exhausting … but a good exhausting ;)
Morgan Weistling
Glad you are willing to try it. If you were exhausted you were doing it right.
tina boroviak
Sorry i forgot to take a shot of the two value stage. I think I will continue to work on this half-tone stage and in the shadows afterwards. I was going to give up, but your encouragement motivated me to keep going. Thank you Morgan.
Morgan Weistling
It’s getting there. Needs a little more to the back of the head. Compare with photo keep honing the drawing at all stages
tina boroviak
I feel that the half tone chroma is too low on the second image. It seems like it diminishes a bit after a while on the canvas board. I’m getting a lot out of this course Morgan, thank you so much!
Morgan Weistling
I like how you simplified his head. Good job! the edges are not complete though. look along his cheek and down to chin , and brow where it meets shadow, all need to be softer.
tina boroviak
My colour mixing exercise. Ended up adjusting the average shadow to be less red.
Morgan Weistling
good on the light skin tones. Your shadow tones are perhaps too close in value. You could lighten the reflective light value
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