Ernesto Vázquez-Belén
I like to reading, drawing, writing, and black tea with milk.
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Michael Brinker
added comment inLandmarks of the Human Body
Asked for help
Been doing some landmark practice the last few days. I feel like I keep extending or shortening the torso too much. I also think I'm not placing the front corners of the iliac crest of the pelvis correctly. They are a bit hard to find for me and I'm unsure of the exact location most of the time.
If this fellow is anything like your grandfather, he looks like a cool dude with a lot of stories!
I was sketching and this gentlemen came out. I was thinking about one of my grandfathers, coffee, and guayaberas.
Asked for help
Hello! I drew 10 figures and... well. Time was really a problem, I guess I was still too focused on contour and proportions. I’ll try to do better tomorrow (when I practice again). All of them were 2min drawings, and I couldn’t complete one because I lacked enough space for it (dumb me, I should’ve drawn that on another page). Comparing the 1st to the last, I think I’ve gotten better :). I also attached some references here (sorry I couldn’t attach all of them, the maximum files I can add are 10). Thanks in advance for anyone who critiques my drawings.
Ernesto Vázquez-Belén
I think something else that may be possible to consider is if any light is going to be reflecting some of that green onto the beetle. Bringing a bit of that green into the beetle itself could also help. Is this Prismacolors? I was going to suggest using some blues over leaves to dull that green down a bit. The yellow is beautiful, and along with bringing in some of the green here and there into the yellow, you could also maybe try a few more hints of the orange you've used at the edges to accentuate (maybe almost subtly frame) the beetle more. All just thoughts.
The first one, with our little friend picking something at dawn, makes me curious what is the story. Our friend looks very bleary eyed. What is it picking? Is it caffeinated? Is it picking whatever it's picking for someone else (and that other person then is the reason why our friend up early and weary eyed)? I like them all, and that is the one that intrigues me the most.
Ernesto Vázquez-Belén
There's something about pencils. And, on the other side, there's also something about inked drawings. If you go with pencil (and just graphite in general), there are some rich, moody, beautiful ranges of values you could go with through the use of smudging, blending, etc. But, you could also do something similar using ink washes, refining your line work later on. Honestly, it would look great both ways. The crossroads of choice haha.
I've been taking a sketching class this Spring. I still have tons to learn. Many of these are for two characters I was working on for a project (they're based on two friends and our kind of inside humor/narrative)