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added comment inYou Don't Need Talent.. I'll Prove It!
We live in a world where "instant fame" is everywhere, and when we don't achieve fabulous results instantly we whine or give up. Thank you for honestly showing how long and hard you worked for your success as an artist and teacher. You and Proko are on my list of things that I am grateful for in my own art practice and as an example of generosity as I teach my students. Thank you, you're an art hero.
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So, I missed the deadline and stayed up late last night, just determined to do this before watching Stan's video. Overall I'm happy but can see room for improvement - and know I'll see LOTS of room for improvement after watching Stan's version. Sigh. 😅 This was fun though, and sure makes for a better looking drawing!
Carlos Savarin
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Tried to highlight the rhino's mass and horn in the first image. On the second I went really heavy on the shadow side
Totally echoing Heather and Josefin - this makes me want to try it again - with everything!! Permission to play!
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This was challenging But fun to draw from imagination. That is one thing that I want to be better at so its good for me to start practicing allready. Warm up loose sketch of Donkey kong and assignment sketch from imagination of my armadillo-lady-character.
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I had so much fun, thank you so much for this task! The yellow drawing is from imagination
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Its fascinating! Thought I knew basically what a frog looked like - but apparently not, lol. How they jump became clear as I looked at frog images (both legs extended, front legs down) but I drew them how I imagined.... The bull I paid more attention to working on line quality. Going to take some practice for sure.
This turned out to be alot of fun - and challenging too! I'm one of those who works very hard to get everything right and detailed. Sketching has never been a go-to tool. But - I learned that 1. Its fun and 2. I can generate ideas and changes easily. These sketches aren't perfect - and for the first time, I'm fine with that! Thanks Stan :-D
So much to learn here! For me the biggest take away is confident line quality, so I'm really excited to see that the next lesson demonstrates this! Thank you Stan!
My biggest problem is finding time to sit down to draw!! On my camel I just grabbed some scrap paper - and ran out of space, so I continued on another scrap... These are getting to be fun to do.