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Steve Lenze
added comment inPracticing gesture, please help with CC
Hey Brett,
Good job trying to get the gesture here, you got the tilt of the shoulders and hips right. What you want to do with gesture is to use sweeping lines to describe the pose. It takes getting used to, but soon you will see why its so important. I did a drawing to show you what gesture is and how it relates to later parts of our drawing. It will keep our drawings from getting stiff. I hope this helps, keep drawing :)

Brett Earle
Thankyou Steve 👍 will do, much appreciated
Mc w
Asked for help
Hi everyone, did some more practice, i think i'm having issues with proportions and looking at the figure as a whole to make it flow better and with less strokes (kinda messy) any tips on doing cleaner lines or making the figure flow better would be really appreciated! :)
I am no where near know how to critique but can I please know which these references are from, the feel of them is awesome
I'm sure you'll get feedback on the drawings themselves. I wanted to mention your setup or lack thereof.
If you're sitting on the floor/bean bag type posture, not only are you destroying your drawings but also your spine.
A drawing board, good setup (bench/tabletop/standing easel/2 chair setup, or 1 chair-1 table), good lighting go a long way, and some of them without breaking the bank.
It is worth mentioning that working that close and that small doesn't allow the shoulder to make marks, rather the wrist. Stan has a video on this.
So I would also urge you to work at a good distance from your board. If you are buying a larger paper, make sure the board is the right size.
It is also worth mentioning that the drawings need to be photographed better to judge proportion because of the page distortion and unclear reference (I can't tell which drawing is which pose).
Thank you, will improve my photos and posture for next ones 👍 I’ll also watch the vid 🔜
Gday all, please see attached photo of my gesture practice and give me some brutal but constructive criticism
Hey all, please check out my gesture practice, brutal but constructive please
Hi Brett, good stuff
I'm inexperienced too, but thought maybe this feedback would help. For the woman in the middle row on the far left, I actually see the gesture of the torso as the opposite curve. Like her body is curving up, not hunching over. Something like what I attached here. Take a look and see what you think!
Dan B
Hi teebo, good effort!
The best advice I can give now, be bold! Go for big sweeping lines, don't worry too much about proportion and capture the energy of the pose. Here's a good video Proko did with Mike Mattesi (Force drawing) that should help with the kind of strokes to aim for. And don't worry, you won't have them flowing and accurate like Mike's straight away, that comes with lots of practice ;)
Those reference poses you have are great for gesture btw!
Great job mate! I would say you should try to clean up your lines a little. Try to use softer graphites or charcoal for gestural drawings, it helps a lot :)
Thanks will do, currently have just a pacer and sketch book. Will get more tools as I go 😃😃
Hello all, new drawer and new proko member. Please be brutal but constructive