Practice makes better

Brett Earle
Hey all, please check out my gesture practice, brutal but constructive please
Hi brett nice gesture! Keep practicing!
If you like to learn more about gesture drawing. I encourage you to check 'force drawing by Michael mattesi'(if you don't know about it yet) he has great books also you can check his YouTube he is doing livestreams on there recently. :)
Hi Brett! Nice stuedies.
I can see you exagerating some forms for more intrest and thats cool. For now I think you could simplify your lines to "C" "S" and "I" shapes, making it easier for studying, as I see a lot of edges and points in your drawing.
Now if you already feel comfortable with simple gesture you can start applying some indication of anatomical features, such as chest, shoulders, feet etc.
Hope I could help, and keep up the good work!
I'm sure you'll get feedback on the drawings themselves. I wanted to mention your setup or lack thereof.
If you're sitting on the floor/bean bag type posture, not only are you destroying your drawings but also your spine.
A drawing board, good setup (bench/tabletop/standing easel/2 chair setup, or 1 chair-1 table), good lighting go a long way, and some of them without breaking the bank.
It is worth mentioning that working that close and that small doesn't allow the shoulder to make marks, rather the wrist. Stan has a video on this.
So I would also urge you to work at a good distance from your board. If you are buying a larger paper, make sure the board is the right size.
It is also worth mentioning that the drawings need to be photographed better to judge proportion because of the page distortion and unclear reference (I can't tell which drawing is which pose).
Thank you, will improve my photos and posture for next ones 👍 I’ll also watch the vid 🔜