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added comment inStructure Basics – Making Things Look 3D
Asked for help
Here are some snippets of my structure practice, any feedback is appreciated.
Serena Marenco
Hi stub!
When you draw solid shapes (I'm referring to the cup for example, but it's a general guideline), when sketching, draw the part you can't see, in a light way. It will be easier to verify the correctness of the construction.
When drawing animals, don't use only curved figures, such as circles and cylinders. Curves are certainly good for measurements and geometric construction of shapes, but in some cases it would be more convenient to use boxes, such as for the shoulders and pelvis, so you have a better idea of the rotation of various parts of the body. Some animals, for example, such as cattle, can be recognized precisely by their square shape (if you draw a cow or a buffalo you will notice that they are very square).
Also the heads often, especially in horses and reptiles, are more wedges than cones.
Also never forget the gesture and to consider each body part as a piece of a whole, not separate forms. :)
David Sánchez
Alright, since those are especific questions, I will give you the epecific reasons why the bean works that way. At the very end are the direct answers and critiques, the rest is the explanation and hopefully it's clear enough (was difficult to me to condense it).
Full Explanation:
You have to remenber 2 key parts about this excercise:
1.- The whole point of this exsercise it's to exaggerate, the streching, pinches and twisting are going to be even clearer in the bean than the pose itself,
2.-The bean is meant to be an analogy of the torso, and doesn't have to represent the exact anatomical information, but to represent the motion.
For example: the first pose shows a curve created by the back of the rib cage transitioning to the neck trough the trapezius. You can analyze the entire line and use it to your advantage in a more difined gesture drawing, but when studying the bean you should ignore it, because the bean does not include the neck, it's just the masses created by the ribcage and pelvis+middle fleshy part. Visualize your first form as the rib cage, imagine the oval representing ONLY the rib cage (no muscles) and think how the center line travels in this simple oval.
For the second pose is the same, the center line doesn't have to represent the exact line that the spine creates. Unless the model is a contortionist, you won't see a clean pinch in the back; but since the bean it's an exaggerated analogy, you should represent the pinch in the back if the model it's bending backwards.
Short answers:
1. He IS ignoring the neck and only considerates the rib cage.
2. Another way to represent that pose with the bean is with a pinch in the back.
Regarding the critiques, keep in mind the 2 key points. The center line must flow within the volumes you draw, not necessarily the exact line you see. For things like understanding the forms or the lines dexterity, it's pretty much practice. Remember that, regardless the tool or medium you use, draw from your shoulder.
Hope this can be useful to you.
Thanks for the thorough response. I definitely have a lot more practice to do, but this was useful.
I've been going through the Figure Fundamentals course and two poses came up in the Bean section that I thought were a bit interesting/tricky. I've attached the two poses along with some of my other beans in case there is anything worth critiquing.
1. Stan seems to ignore the S-shape induced in the spine/centerline by the twist in the neck. Is this simply because the bean is focused only on the torso, and he has simplified the pose to ignore the head/neck?
2. Stan's version of the bean here is obviously exaggerated to show the centerline on the front of the bean. How might one draw the bean for this pose in a less exaggerated way where the centerline is seen at the back?
I know I'm kinda overthinking this stuff; I'm asking mostly just out of curiosity, not because I'm bogged down looking for the exact way to draw each pose. Thanks for your input!
Georgi Valkov
Hi, everyone! Posting these ones for critique. I feel like I'm kind of getting stuck with gesture...
I just started with gesture a week ago and I've been going really hard at it. I usually warm up for about 15-20 minutes with 30 sec to 1 min poses. After that I do 2-3 minute poses for about two hours every day. For less than 10 days I almost filled a sketchbook (A4) with 100 pages... However, the first 3-4 days were mostly abominations of the figure, but I feel like I'm finally starting to get a grip on proportions. On gesture - not so much, so any advice would be appreciated!
I really love the community here and I'm super happy I finally decided to take the Figure Drawing Fundamentals course, and be a part of it :)
Hey Georgi, these look pretty good to my eye. The one thing I'm noticing is that your gestures are picking up a lot on the forms/contours of the body (mostly in regards to the leg muscles it seems). I think in certain cases they would translate the movement/flow of the poses better with more continuous strokes (or a zig-zag at the knee depending on the pose).
I'm pretty new to drawing in general so take my critique with that in mind. Keep it up, cheers!