Activity Feed
Managed to draw the level 1 hand suprisingly quick. Left in original lines of changed thumb which wasnt quite right.
Ron Kempke
Try building this pose using modified blocks to shift your focus from its contours to its solid forms.
Really enjoyed this assignment, was challenging but fun. Think I was more able to transfer confident lines from the warm ups into the drawing than with the Snail. I think the proportions are a little out :-( They are a bit tall which became obvious when drawing the laces and the boot on the left is not wide enough at the toe, but im still fairly happy. Using constructions lines helped lay them out so they atleast look like a pair.
My attempt at the Level 1 Snail. Used the construction line approach which took a bit of practice as I think ive always winged it in the past. However, I think that because of the construction lines I've ended up with something that is hopefully a better likeness. I will stick with this approach and hopefully get faster and faster. Did find myself tightening up on some of the C and S curves, I am able to be much more relaxed with them in the warm ups, will have to work on being more confident with these.
Please find below my Simplify From Observation Level 1 Project assignment. This was a third attempt after trying a few different pencil and paper combinations until I found one that felt good.   Even after this experimentation with materials, unfortunately there is a slight indentation in the paper which curves through the centre of the pear itself. Maybe I need to upgrade and spend a bit more money :-( I am keen to get any suggestions for improvements. I have to be honest I really wasn’t sure which direction to shade each area in, so I’m pretty sure I could have made this a lot better as I am certain there is nicer way to do it I am not aware of yet.   This week is the first time I’ve put pencil to paper in 32 years. It’s been a really interesting week and already learning so much, thank you. Looking forward to the next Project now :-)
Cariad Eccleston
That's a flippin' beautiful simplified form. I love it!
This looks very good! I think the only thing that I can notice is that the lightest dark and the darkest halftone are too close to each other, actually it might seem the lightest dark is a bit lighter than the darker halftone, you filled it pretty well! And the there is a clear difference from the shine and the lightest halftone
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