I'm a self-taught artist. I like to draw characters in manga/anime style
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Here are my gestures. The front and walking poses still resulted stiffy, becaouse probably I relied too much on the reference.
Here are my gesture drawings. Watching Michael drawing them seems easy and, in a certain way, obvious to trace the lines that way, but when it was my turn, well it wasn't so easy. I struggled more with the front and back poses, that resulted very stiff and awkward. On the other hand, the gestures from imagination were easier than the gestures from reference and I felt more confident in tracing the lines.
great work!
Asked for help
Here is my assignment, I tried to be precise in draving the guide line, but the torso resulted a little bulky, probably due to the half-head mesure a bit large that what it would have been.
Well done, Stefyart!
Here are my 10 1 minute and 10 5 minutes gestures. Unfortunately I'm very bad in drawing gestures, but I still wanted to participate in the challenge to put myself to the test and see what I could do.
Thanks Jeremy! I can't wait for Painting light 103 :-)
Finally the rabbit shows his true nature :D. I enjoyed doing those exercises and I have learnt a lot, mainly the letting go of being morbidly precise and wasting time on details, losing sight of the overall view. I still have a long way to go, but I am happy with the results.
Here is my blue hour version, any feedback is really appreciated
Here is my truck.
Here is my version. I tried to give to the house some "magical light" as if some enchantment is going on within its walls. At the same time I decided to give a little light on the rabbit as if he was there to check what was going on in the house.
Here is my version of the house. I used more cyan than green to give a sort of feeling of post storm, that is what the photo made me feel.
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