I'm a self-taught artist. I like to draw characters in manga/anime style
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Here is my version of the house. I used more cyan than green to give a sort of feeling of post storm, that is what the photo made me feel.
This was very very challenging, but at the same time very fun. Here are my gold monsters, any feedback is really appreciated.
I fixed it a bit, it was missing some reflections
This was subtle to catch correctly and not confuse it with reflected light. I searched for some images as reference, but at the end I was caught up in the drawing and I hope to not have lost the focus on fogs. Here there are my works, any comment is really appreciated.
I chose the red gummy and I did the little monsters trying to emulate that material. It was a bit challenging, but in the end I believe I catch the essence of it.
Here is my velvet assignment. Any feedback is really appreciated.
Hello! I found this assignment difficult, because the bouncing light is subtle: one tend to use it too much or not enough. Here is what I was able to do, but I'm not much satisfied. Any feedback is really appreciated.
Working on this image I saw some mistakes, so here is the fixed one
This assignment was very challenging especially the plastic material. I'm not very satisfied with this last one, while the ceramic was quite easy compared to it. So here are my works, any comment is really appreciated.
I preferred not to choose the same draw that Jeremy did, to avoid 'copying', so I opted for the mushroom house. I did two versions: the first with a direct light from below coming from a shiny puddle, the second with a lateral direct light using the round fruit attached to the tail of the roof as light source. Any feedback is very appreciated.
Hello, here is my bounce light before and after. Somehow my bounce light look not so convincing. hmm...I need to figure out why. I appreciate any feedback.
I believe that you used a too white color for the bouncing light, that goes in contrast with the yellowish light you used as the direct one. I struggled a lot with this assignment too and I'm not satisfied with it.
The assignments have become more challenging now. They took me three times longer than I expected.
Yes, they seems simple images but it takes time to color them. You did well here, I like both :)
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