Activity Feed
The first one is my second attempt after the demo, the second one is my very first try. I rlly had some problems with the confidence and the simplifying. I kinda ran out of time the second time, I feel like its a bit messy. I would really appreciate some feedback <3
Great work
My first attempt of the boots and the snail, i think i did not do the C S I part enough but I am going to retry after watching the demo (I hope this was correct, english is not my first language :)
The English and the drawings are great!
This is my first attempt, before watching the demo, i only had some problems with the values
I tried to redraw two of the pears after watching the demo, I think its a bit closer to the exercise now
this is my first and second attempt, before and after watching the demo. I think I kinda missed the exercise the first time a bit so I tried to redraw 2 of the pears after the demo. I would really appreciate some critique!
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