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added comment inProject - Cross Contour on Organic Forms
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This was fun, and I think in going to try more different types of animals. I'm already noticing myself getting better at visualizing how the forms are oriented in space. I noticed the eyes on the hawk are a little off and I struggles with the curves of the lobster and getting them to converge properly, the lobster that has one claw was like that in the reference but adding the other claw would have been good practice, But I learned so much!
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Hi every one, Im not sure where to post this but Ive struggled to create and enjoy the process of drawing due to perfectionism. I wanted to do character design to have put it off for years waiting until I was Good enough. Unfortunately by waiting so long to do what I actually wanted to do all along I've become better at doing studies, and drawing from observation than character design and story telling, and this gap has made me feel like an imposter. don't get me wrong studying is important and so is drawing from observation, but I almost never drew What I actually wanted to, and when I did I would criticize it harshly and tell my self to go back to studying, thinking my fundamentals were the problem. It burned me out and now Im 6 yrs in and my character designs still aren't very good. Now Im just trying to enjoy creating characters, illustrations and having fun. I think this year I've had the most growth out of all the years combined due to being willing to make mistakes and letting perfection go. If you're starting out please try not to get too caught up in the way your art looks, it will save you years. ( yes,I know Stan is always says this, Thanks Stan for awesome advice!)
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Definitely one that stretched my skills the most. Figuring out where to start the lines makes me slow down quite a bit.
Found that looking at the nose and chin helps quite a bit at figuring out what kind of box to use.
Kind of went overboard with the shading. For a bit was going for one of the first simplification exercises, but then I just had fun with it.
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My second batch of attempts at level 2 after watching the demo but before watching the critics.
I realised that some of my proportions were off (specially the lower part of the face), I had a tendency to depart from the angle of the box / planes I have established (specially the chin area), and I need to be careful about the front plane to side plane ratio.
Finally, I really did not like 12 and I struggled with it. I decided to move on and I might come back to it later.
I will finish the last portraits before move to the next lesson.
Anyway, any comments or feedback welcome.
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This one is inspired by my bedroom. It was very challenging but also really fun! I think the hardest think for me to do was to get my horizontal lines consistent. I can tell that they tend to swerve diagonally.
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Hi I would love some feedback on these. Some of these I think I made stiff and others I think I did okay.
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This project was so fun! I've only done the first part of level 2 so far. Lately I've been trying to do more of my own projects and designs for characters. They aren't very good. So Im trying to improve on that by doing break downs of professional work, figure drawing on top of improving on the fundamentals. Im having a really hard time figuring out how much time to spend on exercises, especially break downs of professional work, figure drawing sessions, and then my own character designs and stories. Then the fundamentals aka this course. Im currently trying to figure out a schedule for myself, but Im finding it really hard to do when I have no rule of thumb for how long I should be spending on exercises and studies vs personal work. If anyone could share how they have managed to balance personal work and fundamentals, exercises etc, that would be great!
May Berry
My second attempt at this project using a different reference. (I'm a leftie who is a fan of Vaush, but I can't help myself sometimes). I made his jaw too big and his scalp too small. A few other elements are a somewhat misaligned. I made my drawing too large laterally, so the rest of his body didn't fit the page.
As frustrating as this project is, I'm finally starting to get it and I've found ways to make it work for me. The main unit of measurement is between the top of his tongue and the top edge his left lense. I subdivided this unit using halves and thirds. I color coded units and subunits to avoid confusion. I then used a second unit using the length of his mouth which is drawn in orange. Even if some units didn't align with an edge, I put it in anyway just as a way to give me more of a reference.
Next time I'll try measuring with my ruler instead of my pencil.
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I had fun with this, definitely a good exercise for the future. After a few tries (and watching the demos and critique) it began to click.