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added comment inAnatomy of the Human Body
I am very likely to purchase the head and figure drawing courses, but am unsure about this course which is quite a bit more expensive. I can see that it would be very useful for more advanced human figure drawing. However, my main interest is in animal drawing, would the techniques learned in this course be helpful in that arena? Obviously the specific anatomies will differ, except possibly for primates, but would there be enough general techniques in learning anatomy to justify buying the course? I should say that I have signed up for Aaron Blaise animal drawing courses so this would be in addition to those.

you can find a discount code online that drops it down a bit, also you can think of each part of the body as it's own separate course that will take equally as long as the gesture course so you only need to get 1 course at a time every few months or more. It's what I am doing. It took one person on here like 2 years to get through portait, gesture, anatomy.
Marco Sordi
Asked for help
2022/6/19. Here we are! The last assignment of the anatomy course (I apologize for the strong light of my room). I joined Proko on November 29, 2020. About a year and a half ago my drawing level was the one in the photo on the right. I did the portrait, figure course and finally this one about anatomy. I learned a lot and got so passionate about drawing that I decided to enroll in art schools here in my city as well. I still have a long way to go to become a good illustrator but I think I'm on the right track. I want to thank @Stan Prokopenko for everything he taught me. It would be an honor for me if I could have a critique of him on this final work. I am sure there are many errors and inaccuracies. But Stan in one of his videos said once that we have to draw as if that drawing were to be exhibited in an art gallery. I put everything I could into it. And I will continue to do the same in the future as well. From tomorrow I will start studying Patrick Jones's anatomy course and Dorian Iten's course on shading. I also thank all those in the community who have allowed me to progress and improve with their very kind contribution and encouragement. Thank you all!
Conte B on smooth paper (16.5x11.7 inches)
I think your consistency has been really amazing and you have really clearly absorbed all of his content on understanding muscles, it's really impressive.
edit: Cheers for sharing info about Patrick Jones, that looks like a good stepping stone from this course. Also, Anatomy for Artists: The Elements of Form, is really helpful for learning face anatomy since there is no face anatomy proko course.
Tsotne Shonia
I mean not to be disrespectful, and I understand that people are busy and random things can happen that make it very difficult to stick to schedule.
Plus, we were told that lessons would come "loosely" weekly, which doesn't imply a strict schedule anyways.
But despite all of that, I am quite disappointed regarding the situation on the last two months.
I couldn't find the exact dates of the lesson releases, but from what I can gather, the 4th lesson came out on 27th of march, and the next one on 16th april, and we've had no news since then. I'm writing this on 2nd of may.
This is closer to a monthly release.
Also, Jon mentioned he'd be critiquing the students work, but as far as I can see, the few reviews are all from other students.
Perhaps what frustrates me the most in this situation is the fact that we are not even told what's going on. Everyone acts like this is normal.
Could we at least have some explanation? Is it going to be like this all course long?
As someone who bought this on presale last year, and was quite excited, this is very annoying.
Perhaps I am in the wrong and my expectations were just too high. If that is the case, I understand that these things should be taken in consideration when purchasing yet-to-be completed courses on Proko.
I hope I'm not sounding needlessly rude. Please understand that I don't mean to cause negativity, and am asking for at least clarification.
Hi Tsotne,
Editor here. Really sorry about the delay in content. We were really pushing to get the next lesson out last week but had some unexpected delays on our part and we're really sorry for stuff not coming out as fast as we'd like. Our goal is to release one a week for the next several weeks though if that's any consolation. Again, sorry for dropping the ball on that.
I would also like to share my toughts.
I am very dissapointed in this course. I was very excited to finally start it, and as a complete beginner I could not wait to jump into the world of painting and learn all the fundementals and tips and tricks that comes with the craft.
The schedule of the program is shambolic. It was stated that the new lessons will be released weekly or biweekly, yet we can be happy if we get one every month. I am sure that the instructor is busy and this is more of a side project for him, and I would not mind if it was kept by more than one intstructor, but I feel like this is unacceptable.
Most of the lessons so far were in timelapses. I am truly a beginner and do not have any experience when it comes to drawing or painting. These timelapses are not that useful for me because more than often I have no idea what is going on, what brushes are being used in what way. I understand that most people know it better and more obvious to them, but I feel like that the course sometimes are not that beginner friendly, and if you add to it the fact that the instructor promised to review and advise on the works we have done, and have not delivered, it leaves me very unsatisfied.
The course started off pretty well, I enjoyed it at the beggining, but for now I am very dissapointed and if it was a possibility I would refund the course.