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S. Grace
added comment inLandmarks Assignment Example 3 - Step by Step
Assignment. Still confused, though. :/
Any advice or criticism is much appreciated!
S. Grace
Asked for help
Assignment. I had a difficulty turning the animals to forms. I think I did it wrong because I saw the overall figure rather than dividing it to forms by forms.
S. Grace
Bean assignment.
I realized I didn't exaggerate the poses of my bean structure, they look mostly tame just like what Marshall mentioned in this lesson.
S. Grace
30 seconds and 2 minutes of gesture drawing practice. Marshall said in this critique episode, to practice doing long lines in gesture and i think i need more practice in that because I've noticed i used a lot of short lines in my gesture drawings. I've also did multiple lines and has been a habit of mine since which really made me self-conscious on my last gesture drawings because I'm trying to ghosting it in the lines first. I still need more practice on rehearsing it first before I touch down the lines.
It was very fun doing it, especially when I'm getting the hang of it (slowly). Really enjoyed this process.