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Hey guys! Here's my structure assignment. Wondering if I could have used simpler shapes for some of the animals, especially the cow. I struggled a bit to find the right shape to describe a form, like the distorted (cubes?) I used for the turtle's neck. Also not sure I got the perspective quite right on the fox's face. This was a tricky assignment! Definitely realizing I need to work on perspective a bit. Any feedback is welcome!
Did a couple, some referenced, some imagined. If you’re able to provide feedback, please do.
Hey there! That's a lot of beans! I think most of them look really great; it's easy to visualize the orientation of the figure you were looking at based on what you've drawn. I think the only suggestion I have is that you might try drawing the beans bigger; the tiniest ones are a bit vague just because they're hard to see. Other than that, I think you did a great job!
Hi guys! Here are some recent beans I did; half are done digitally, half traditionally. These were tricky at first, but ended up being really fun to do! I think the hardest part was trying to get the S curve right on the beans where the figure was twisting. Any feedback is welcome!
hey I just found smh odd with overlaps in the 4th photo 4th bean by copying yours,shouldn't it be like this?
better than me
Hi guys, here are some recent 2 min sketches I did; any critiques would be appreciated! I'm struggling to keep the legs of my figures gestural; it's difficult not to get hung up on outlining the contours of the muscles, especially for the more ripped models :P I did about half of my sketches digitally, and the rest with charcoal on paper.
Adam Wiebner
@shatay the gestures very well done, really capturing the action with few most important lines, just like Stan suggests in gesture video. One area to consider is to double check your choices as to proportion of head drawn compared to rest of the whole body, as it appears the heads drawn are on smallish side compared to drawing of rest of body. Proportions is the style choice of the artist of course. Watch out to not get progressively larger or smaller from start to finish, as that can sometimes happen in comparative measurement drawing. I hope that helps.
Michael Brinker
I think these look amazing. Keep up the good work, and don't doubt yourself on the legs. I think they look great.
Asked for help
Hey everyone, today was my first day of Figure Drawing Fundamentals. I'm really excited to be part of this community, and looking forward to the rest of the course! Here are some 30 sec gesture drawings I did today; any critiques/observations would be much appreciated:) I'm struggling a bit with conveying energy in my figures with only a few lines; sometimes it's hard to know what information to put down on paper and what should be left out.
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