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There is my first study. I created a list of artists that inspire me and fortunately I am of the same era as isaakovsky (Исаковский) on ig. https://www.instagram.com/isaakovsky?igsh=MnI3c2N2bmZnbHV3 I have been following their journey for some time now and it is just inspiring to look at this insane level of details. There is a part (a hand) i did for my study of their pretty old work. I love the flow of lines and it was a struggle to keep up with the dynamics of lineweight which was I believe because of difference in overall hand movements. Lines on these works are usually quite variative, but they mainly use straight lines, visibly enhancing shapes. Curves are also quite sharp in many places, like finger joints.
Rachel Dawn Owens
Your hand looks awesome. It’s got a ton of character. I love the balance of sharp and soft forms.
I found a master I want to study but I am unsure... Richards Zarriņš has just great works but I do not understand if there are really contour lines and not shading. He also did a lot of Ex Libris, there are lines but they are kinda boring as they are all uniform, not sure if it is beneficial
Melanie Scearce
I think this is a great reference to study from. You can just ignore the ink wash and focus on the contours and cross hatching, which in general follow the cross contours. Good luck!
try to see where you think he would put a contour. (Watch critique for this project and view the last one it really helps or use one of these Jeff skulls they are hard)
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Day 4 of the two weeks Had A LOT of fun drawing my favorite mug and I think it looks good, but I would like to hear some suggestions on how I can improve in the future. this time I went easy on measuring things and lazy on elipses, still I hope that the drawing looks alright and like a mug, not necessarily the exact lineart of the photo
Day 3 A very lazy experience. Couldn't do much today, but still posting. Tomorrow will do better.
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Day 2 of the two weeks I think this one turned out better than day 1, but still it feels a little stiff and I kinda don't know what I wanted it to look like. I am used to draw from imagination, so clearly it feels new and different, but it also looks different then my other works. I find it less enjoyable to look at, but the process was fun enough. I think I need to loosen up a little
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There is the beginning of 2 weeks when I am building drawing habits. In order to have more motivation and keep the work up it's probably good idea to post every day. There is a juice box, will try something easier to capture next time and build the difficulty up, somehow this box struck as more difficult object. I think my lines are too wonky and they don't seem smooth and unified somehow? The sketch really doesn't capture the complexity imo, I think I did no justice to this interesting box. Is this also a confidence issue or are there some more ways I can fix it? I used some construction methods to capture the bottle, did I maybe stick with making the shape "correct" too much and it the reason my bottle doesn't look interesting or expressive? I did it in a few stages, first pencil layer was just geometric shapes, maybe I went wrong with this step there?
this is what I did for the depth line weight. It took way too much time, but I had no practice with backgrounds for ages. I like how it turned out but I need a comment on how I did and how it turned out.
This is the reference
These are my second attempts. I also changed the lighting angle in the first linework. Not quite sure how I did, so I would be happy to get a comment on the work I did 👀👀
Gabriele Minelli
Wow! This is lovely! Also very clean foreground, midground and background. What did you use as your reference?
So here is my level one assignment. I am really not sure about how I did, after watching demo I am planning to do level 2. Struggled with line drawing a lot this time and with light and shadows I found a few situations where technically the outline is supposed to be in light, as the shape it attaches to is lit, but it is right at the edge for strong shadow. I am unsure of what to do in these situations. Do I treat these areas as if they are in shadow? In work I attached I did them as if they are in light, but it felt wrong..?
Also, I would like to have some feedback on the quality of my lines and lineweight. I want to know how good or bad they came out, because I really can't feel or understand them...
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