Sean MacNair
Sean MacNair
Activity Feed
Sean MacNair
Sean MacNair
Sean MacNair
Spent too much time focused on the head I think, without refernce I got pretty lost trying to workout the body and wings. Fun exercise though, I will defiantly continue to do this on my own.
These are amazing, Owls are such cool birds.
Sean MacNair
These were my second attempts, the cartoony VR Girl was the hardest for me and feel like I want to revist a few more times.
Rich Lowenberg
The lines on the palm are really effective in this, they give it a lot of shape. I might try adding those to mine too, nice work. I found the girl difficult too.
Sean MacNair
The shoes, particularly the laces got me too focused on details. The snail maybe too simple. The others I feel went better.
Sean MacNair
1st attempt and the follow-up after watching the demo. The first one I think I was a bit too focused on making a face instead of focusing on the values and finding the shapes. Second attempt was more value focused but is something I want to continue to focus on. The eye on the right in both drawings is too high...
Sean MacNair
1st attempt, and 2nd attempt after watching the demo
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