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added comment inProject - Dynamic Shapes
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I have never drawn animals before but this was really fun!! I think I may have gotten carried away from simplifying though on some of them.
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Studied one of my favorite digital artists 2SOH (@_2soh on ig). The second photo is their work and the first is my attempt at studying the linework! Had trouble with the perspective, especially the placement of the shoulder position and hair, but it was a fun assignment. The eyes stood out to me the most so I tried to focus the thicker and darker lines in that area.
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first one is weighted lines to convey shapes, and second one is to convey light and shadow! let me know what you think. one critique i have of myself is that they are too similar, the shadow one is not 'shadowy' enough'? thanks!
Great work! I like your line they have so much energy to them.
For the first one, I struggled as well trying to decide what was important and what wasn't. For me, I decided that the head was important so I gave it a heavy outline all around to make it stand out and lighter lines for what I thought wasn't as important. Hope that helps.
I'm not sure what you mean by "noy shadowy enough", but I feel like the light source isn't clear enough on the second image.
For example, if I assume the light source is coming from the bottom left of the page the front legs have thin lines to convey light, but the lips do not. Making it hard to tell where the light is coming from.
But you're able to show contrast in your line weights which is a very good skill to have.
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created a little character from imagination inspired by Ryuk from Death Note and a three-eyed raven (was thinking Game of Thrones)!
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these were all really fun! the hand was probably the most difficult for me especially in terms of perspective and i took a while trying to get the angles right. overall i think they turned out okay! let me know if you have any feedback or suggestions! thanks :)
my attempts at the snail and boots! let me know what can be improved! i struggled a bit with making confident lines i think, but this was a great challenge for me
Just finished the second rendition of the pear! I think this time around I did better with the shading as well as the overall shapes and dimensions! definitely a long way to go though. please let me know what I could improve on :)