Henrique Cardoso
Henrique Cardoso
A doctor trying to pursue his utmost dream of drawing
Activity Feed
Henrique Cardoso
Great video. I was thinking of going digitaly for this course, since that's my interest. But I changed to traditionaly after some advices about how making traditional art give you good habits that, when translated to digital, can make a real difference in the progress.
ill be sticking to traditional, simply because of its primacy and purity in origin. It's what humans began with, so to me it feels more authentic. It's portable, ancient, and therefore to me, the truer form of drawing, painting. Besides, Technology as already done plenty of damage to society, so since i'm building habits to reduce my consumption of it, into moderation. making digital art would be inexcusable.
Marcus Zamora
Any recommend supplies we should get for this class?
Henrique Cardoso
I think they will tell on the first class, but probably only a bundle of twelve pencils and cheap paper.
How much time (approximately) it will take until all the lessons are published?
Henrique Cardoso
I just want to know the day of january
Henrique Cardoso
I was thinking of going full digital with this course, since I don't have any interest in tradicional art. But I think I will actually buy a sketch book at least.
Henrique Cardoso
Marshall is the best human being in the world
Marco Sordi
2021/9/4. Hi everyone. This is my first digital portrait. Well... I did my best (^^;) If u have any comments or advice please leave a comment below. Thanks and have a good day.
Account deleted
Nice work Macro! :) I think you're doing well structurally in your work, and, while you should never stop working to improve that part of the process, I think you should also look towards light/color theory for these colored portraits. Overall I agree with the feedback you've gotten so far in this post. One thing I notice (personally) is that your color choices (especially for her face and hair) for both light and shadow feel a bit like you're mostly changing the shade and tint of the local colors to show light and shadow (that is, using your local color and mixing in white to make it lighter or black to make it darker). In reality though color moves a lot more than that due to the intensity and color of the lightsource itself along the color of the surrounding objects the light has hit and bounced off of before hitting your subject. Another thing that will influence the color of your subject are the materials of your subject matter and how light interracts with those materials. For skin, one thing you could look up is subsurface scattering and the material properties of skin and the tissue underneath if you haven't already, I am linking some helpful videos by Marco Bucci, and there's also a course on color here on Proko by the same artist. I haven't joined that course yet myself, so I can't say what's in it, but I know Marco Bucci is excellent with color and the videos in his youtube channel are really good. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gwLQ0cDb4cE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7fLV5ezO64w https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kYtGh2xTAlg https://www.proko.com/course/the-color-survival-guide/overview Hope this helps!
Atharva Lotake
Hello there! I just want to say WOW! The likeness is spot on and THIS IS YOUR FIRST DIGITAL PAINTING?!! I mean you have a really good start. I hope you didn't trace though. Just saying it cause it's soo good. DISCLAIMER- The below feedback is just my opinion and only concerns this piece and not you as a person. So please take it positively and not personally. Anyway, I did a quick paint over and I spotted some things that I would like to point out. 1. Skin- The rendering of the skin is too light. Skin is much darker than we think it is. I see this mistake in a lot of artists. Even I struggled with it for a long time. Don't think that just because she is white means her skin will be completely white. Light doesn't work like this. There will be shadows and dark areas as well where the light cannot reach. So consider darkening the skin in your next painting. 2. Light- Your shadows are not in place. Meaning there is shadow on the beanie. There is shadow on the clothing but there is no shadow on the face. The face is a 3D object just like everything else and light will interact with it in the same way it interacts with other objects so shade it that way. 3. Detail- Every painting should have a focal point and generally, in a portrait you want the focal point to be the face and so it should be detailed that way. In your painting everything (beanie, hair, and clothes) else except for the face is detailed. Make sure to put the time in to add the details to the face and consider not detailing the other elements all that much. 4. Saturation and Contrast- Your piece is a bit too dull and lifeless. Put some life into it by bumping up the saturation and contrast. I have attached my paintover below for you to refer to. Summarizing my feedback intro one sentence- Darken the skin, Show form by adding lights and shadows, Detail only the focal point and leave everything else, Put some life into it by bumping up the saturation and contrast, and last but not least Don't take it personally and Have fun! Hoping to see more of your amazing work!
John Harper
Good try. You need more depth on the shadows, but really great job.
Hello Marco. You managed the proportions and the resemblance, and I like the colour palette you gave her. So well done for that. What I suggest is paying more attention to the skin colour and the contrasts. In the reference her face has more tone warmer tones and you gave her a more cooler lighter tone. Her lips are more saturated. It would interesting to add a little more contrast on the eye lid and the contour division between her face and and hair. Other than that you did a magnificent job.
Sujanith Tottempudi
Excellent...but could increase tone values more in the lower half of face i think
Gannon Beck
Some practice Loomis heads.
Brendan Brink
These look really good, keep it up! Only remark I have is that I think you are using procreate’s (or another software) shape tool to create the spheres. Try practicing drawing circles from hand. If you’re not using the shape tool then please teach me xD
Maximilian Roth
Hey Gannon, these look really fantastic. It may sound wierd, but my only critique would be that I don't have any critique. I suppose these are digital? Do you use any kind of vector graphics program which corrects lines? - If not, then take it as a huge compliment - your line quality and proportions are spot on!! - If yes and you just wanna work like this (because there is no incorrect way to work) then also take it as a huge compliment and keep it up!! - If yes and you actually also want to use traditional media, I suggest you also practice circles just with your hand and without any correction. And beyond that, now you could actually go ahead and apply the loomis head to specific heads which means to adjust lines according to the specific likeness of a person.
Mark Manthorpe
These look really good. Look nice and clean and good job on the uptilt. My only criticism is I wanna see more. Not just a handful. :P If you get a chance do a page full of them. As many as you can.
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