Sam Guss
Sam Guss
College Station, TX
Old guy, newb artist. Digital artist wannabe. Learning like a mad man.
Activity Feed
bruh that looks pretty good
Sam Guss
Sam Guss
Just sharing my baby steps.
this is pretty nice . i mean yes it can for sure only get better with time. but you have a good understanding of the eye . so yeah great job you made a pretty big leap wile you where gone in my opinion 😉👍 and real quick i am still struggling with drawing eyes but i just like to have fun when drawing for the most part so i mean 😂 i could get better sooner but im to busy just goofing off when drawing lol. but anyway great work cant wait to see what you do next . and god bless 🤘😉✌
Sam Guss
Thank you!
Yiming Wu
Interesting! Keep up the great work!
Sam Guss
thank you!
Sam Guss
Sam Guss
added a new topic
First eye I am "ok" with
Hey folks, it's been a couple of months since I was last here. I've been off working on both my digital art techniques and my sketching nd drawing. Finally drew an eye this morning, that while I know won't rock anyone's socks off here - is still what I consider a big step for me. So, without further ado... An eye.
Sam Guss
I'm new enough to know I don't know what questions to ask. But I do know I like your work and can't wait to see what you have to teach in the future - 'cause I want to be there.
hello. @Sam Guss. i just got back to proko myself due to not having internet but now that i do i would love to see if you have made anymore art. and if" you are still interested in me doing some one on one teaching digital art i would be more than happy to help. and or if you have any art to show that would be awesome also if you have any questions i would be more than happy to trouble shoot them with you. 😄✌
Sonja Müller
Leap of Faith My film is an animation film for children (not 3d rendered), created with CSP. It's a film for the heart but also funny. The story is about a girl, called Holumpa, her cat and her teddy. They live in a dull grey multi-story building. Something is weighing on the family, on the whole city. One night they wake up and see a tiny colorful creature hopping out of the window, they decide to follow it and reach a cliff. Way down below pink, sunny clouds hover over some strange magical buildings. The tiny creatures jumps right into the clouds and the three decide to take a risk and jump after it. Of course they find a wonderful, magical, strange world and encounter many dangerous and funny adventures. Sometimes you have to take a leap of faith to find new wonderful places. Maybe we have to leave a bad place behind or we just have to leave a comfortable but dull place to find new inspirations or happiness. It takes a lot to leave the known behind, jump into the unknown, even if you don't like the place you are in. I chose this theme as representation for the last years of my life, I didn't want to go to literal and deal with the death of my child in this challenge so I transformed it into this story and fosed on the new beginning. After some dark years I had the chance to change my life radically, I needed courage and trust in myself and it was sometimes overwhelming, but I did find this metaphorical great magical world. And of course I too had help from some wonderful persons and also a cat :D.
Sam Guss
Sonja - you did it!!!! Grats!
Sam Guss
I've gone straight into digital, bypassing most traditional (except sketching I guess) methods. However, I will be the first to point out that I'm not career orientated for art, just personal stuff for fun. So my direction in learning is a lot off kilter from the norm I think. But, I am finding and seeing improvements in my digital techniques, so there is that. :-)
Sam Guss
I'm still working on mine and it's nowhere near ready, but I wanted you to know that I like your challenges and will try to participate more in the future. So please keep these challenges going! :-)
Harmony Steel
Thanks @Sam Guss will do! I think in future I will make the deadlines longer as well to give people more time to participate, like 3 months rather than 1 month.
Sam Guss
I would love to hear your thinking approach to creature design - it's currently one of my topics I'm exploring, so seeing or finding out how others at all different skill levels do it is fascinating to me.
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