Peter Abraham Vargas de Franco
Peter Abraham Vargas de Franco
South Korea
I love art and drawing.
Activity Feed
Peter Abraham Vargas de Franco
the T square was useful for this. The drawings are by hand. 2 hb school pencil on printer paper I think I got the thickness wrong. Does anyone know what I can do better?
Peter Abraham Vargas de Franco
💩 was hard, but fun. I didn’t understand how to place these in perspective. Like the roll of quarters, except on the exercise. Each one took me abt 30 min. 8.5x11 paper and 2HB pencil
Rachel Dawn Owens
It’s not a race. It’s ok to take you time with this. Perspective is hard. So far this is looking like a great start. Overlapping some of them will also help with the illusion of depth.
Josh Hicks
Asked for help
My attempt at a female djinn after working through some of the portrait videos!
Peter Abraham Vargas de Franco
where u get the reference?
Peter Abraham Vargas de Franco
Asked for help
what do I need to do better?
Peter Abraham Vargas de Franco
Peter Abraham Vargas de Franco
Peter Abraham Vargas de Franco
Peter Abraham Vargas de Franco
Graphite on plain paper week 1 1min
Peter Abraham Vargas de Franco
Critics plz, what I did right and wrong thank u
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