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added comment in2 Week Drawing Challenge
I think I'm starting to get a little bit better maybe, but I just got the proportions for the face which was more or less similar although i think maybe i could do it better (specially the eyes), I tried to simplify the body to CSI and it was much faster than measure and using small curves, it's much more fun to use CSI (UwU)
EDIT: Only saw that the whiskers are off the face now, i guess the low res image didn't help when i was using an Ipad...
Last drawing to cap on this 2 week drawing challenge. I’m pretty happy with it.
Yo man congratulations, I'm still on the road to hit 14 days but it's pretty nice to see someone get to the end, congrats again :)
Another study of proportions, a bit off in the upper parts, tried to use the frame this time, gonna make another attempt (with a simpler subject) tomorrow.
Tried to do a study of proportions using the envelope method, I'm a newbie when it comes to drawing from observation (started with the drawing basics course) so I still can't get it to look similar but it's a step above last week for sure, managed to get something out of it which is good since I could't apply the method before. I can see that the eyes, shoulders, and neck are wrong. 5th day of the challenge. I'm open to feedback and tips, have a nice weekend guys. :)
Asked for help
First time doing this, this is my 4th drawing in all my life >_< (started drawing last month) , I never dealt with proportions and relationships in the past so it's something that i'm still trying to get right, I'm gonna do the shoe and then watch the demo and redo these two. Any feedback is welcomed.