Patti Vincent
Colorado, USA
Gouache, Graphite, Oil, and Ink
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Patti Vincent
added comment inCapturing Light Using Watercolor with Marco Bucci
Thanks Marco. That was a fantastic demo and lecture!!
Holy cow! I can’t believe it! This was really exciting, and a great experience overall!
Patti Vincent
This is so exciting! Thank you Tiffanie for a fun challenge. Everyone did a great job
Hi all, my name is Julia Kamenskikh, and this is my official entry for #prokochallenge organized by @tiffaniemangart and @prokotv Five tiny paintings, all sized by 2 in x 2 in. Painted with gouache and 3/4 in brush. And I think those are the smallest paintings ever done before. And cannot express how much I’ve enjoyed it. You are forced to simplify and it feels like solving a puzzle to me. I will be definitely doing these again, thank you Tiffany for such a great idea and all organizers for organizing this! All photos are taken by me.
Here are my thumbnails. (The first image is my submission, the others are just my practice versions. I included them because I don’t have source photos.) I learned a TON by doing this. I got a much better handle on water control, and composition simplification by painting these thumbnails over and over until I was happy with the direction. I intended to paint landscapes reminiscent of scenes you might find in my home state of Ohio. In each scene I tried to incorporate a mix of lost and found edges to help evoke feelings of nostalgia and solitude.
These are all watercolor on paper. (Daniel Smith pigments, and 140# cold press Arches paper.) These were painted with Escoda Reserva brushes sizes 4 and up.
For each thumbnail, I used the same palette consisting of Carbazole Violet, Cerulean, Phthalo Blue, Cobalt Teal, Ultramarine Turquoise, Pyrrol Orange, Prussian Blue, Indanthrone Blue, Quinacridone Rose, Carmine, Raw Umber, Burnt Sienna, Hansa Yellow Light, and Quinopthalone Yellow.