Okaey KGZ
Okaey KGZ
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Okaey KGZ
Asked for help
I wanted to combine two different subjects into one drawing, and it turned out to be a fun drawing exercise.
Okaey KGZ
This was the best drawing I could do after 2 days and 6 red bulls.😅😂
Okaey KGZ
I haven't picked up a pencil since I was 18 years old, and I decided to learn how to draw again with this training program. For my first drawing in Procreate, I tried to create shading by just increasing the pressure without adjusting the color, using an HB pencil.😅😊
I think you did a really nice job on this. The lines are pretty neat and the areas of shadow and lighter parts well defined. There might be more of darkest shade spots that could go on to the lower parts of the pear but that's a minor nit. :) Awesome that you've decided to start drawing again!
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