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Mikoto Kenn
added comment inFirst Date Challenge
I have been struggling with these muscles... the back of the torso is much harder than its front xD!
Mikoto Kenn
Hi Dennis,
You are capturing the gesture well. But the perspective less well.
Well, you will get the rest/planes as you go through the rest of the lessons, but as a quick tip: since you are using boxes to construct the pelvis, try to apply 90 degree between each line, while minding the angles in the reference, and drawing the further end smaller.
Sometimes you do so and some other times not.
As for the spine, in the left spine in the first picture, you draw the spine as one smooth pipe, but the spine is 3 seperate sections: cervical, thoracic and lamper.
In the middle spine of the second picture, you forget the foreshortening. Try enlarging the rebcage.
Mikoto Kenn
Nice trial.
It seems to me that you are drawing with your hands using chicken scratching method.
The line quantity can be improved with time and while doing exercises to draw from your shoulder or elbow.
Like drawing planes and try to execute the ellipse inside it while using your shoulder.
I suggest you try Drawabox lessons and exercises for it. It will also help you understand how to construct and make objects look more 3D. That's another issue I see here.
Also you can vary line thickness. Making the lines for the planes facing the viewer a bit thicker or heavier than the ones in the back will help selling the illusion of dimensions.
(Which is also explained and have excercises for in drawabox).
You did well in the first pelvis, but the rest are flattened out (probably due to angles as well).
Have a great practice day :)👍🏼
Mikoto Kenn
Nice work. I can feel the dimenisions of the eye. But the lines are messy. Try sharpening the the pencil, draw the darker thin areas with that sharpened pencil. For the eyebrows, use the side of the pencil to lay out the values, then use the sharp edge for drawing the hair.
Mikoto Kenn
Your work is nice.
Just gonna add something to what the rest already said.
Try drawing the upper lips, or the outer lines of the lips lightly to make it more realistic or pleasing if you want that effect.
Thanks Mikoto, I struggle with the mouth and nose a lot, so hopefully I'll learn a lot doing these. I'l try and work on the lips a bit.
It's nice that you have come this far in the journey! I am sure you have progressed a lot.
Do you draw from your shoulder or your hands?
Drawing from the shoulder will make the movement easier. I feel like you were struggling with the drawing.
If you already draw from your shoulder, so next.
To solve the angle issue, I suggest you draw many lines and decide which one is more correct before moving on to add more details.
And even more effective than lines is constructing a box.
Draw a box (or many boxes) that reflects the perspective of the face, then proceed to draw the construction for Loomis method.
You can either draw the face inside the box or draw the box in a separate page and use it as a reference.
The annoyed girl face doesn't have much structure/3D in it compared to the other drawing.
Think of boxes, of planes, especially for the nose.
Your eyes' sense of proportions will increase with time, but for now, after checking the angles, use the pen and double check the proportions. At first, draw lightly and see if it matched or not, when you reach something nearer to the reference, go heavier with the pencil.
And don't forget about deliberate practice. A 100 head is really a challenge, but why not drawing each face 3 times. Each time you will correct the mistakes you analysed from the previous trial. (And maybe count that as 3 faces, so still included within 100?)
I haven't checked the challenge yet, so don't know if that's allowed or not.
Good luck :)
Mikoto Kenn
I think that you need to sharpen the pencils more. Then draw the main folds/direction of folds with the tip of the pencil, and draw the shadows with the side of the pencil. You can flip the order and draw the areas of shadows and colour first (going from the general/less defined to particular/more defined). So more variety in using the pencil from thick to thin line will help make the fold more difinite.
Try it out and tell me how it goes.
sure... i usually use very blunt tips to draw... i need to change it.... thanks a lot
Asked for help
Some angles are really confusing! Top-right and Bottom-right ones were the trickiest. I think I didn't quite get the perspective right.
Hi Suntory,
You did a nice job here.
I see that you have some issues with foreshortening.
So in the middle picture of the bottom raw, making the sternum shorter will help showing the foreshortening. By making it shorter, you might find yourself changing the proportion of the ribcage to make it match.
The gesture needs to be pushed in the left-bottom picture. I suggest you draw the line of action first to help you match the ribcage with the gesture. And so, drawing the line of action might help you in the tricky top-right picture to push it more the left.
Kadin Lane
Here's the first four of the assignment for now. Feedback from anyone is welcome, I'll take it into consideration as I tackle the rest of the assignment.
Hope you are having a good practice day.
Generally, I see that you have the tendency of making rebcages short compared to the size/proportions of the models.
In picture number 1, the perspective of the pelvis needs to be slightly rotated to the left (to the right hand of the model).
Also, the arch of the ribcage needed to be a bit wider.
For the second picture, the gesture needs to be pushed more.
In the forth picture, I see that you were struggling with the proportion again (I struggled with that model as well xD). In the drawing, the pelvis is squished, it resembles a female pelvis more. The thoracic arch need to be wider and the angles more defined.
But you did a great job on showing the plane variations.👍🏼