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Jermaine Henry
added comment inFigure Drawing Critiques – The Bean
Hello, I'm trying my hand at the bean this time before revisiting gesture. Any tips are always welcome.
Newbie here, it looks like you have a good understanding of form. Keep up the good work.
Matthew Manghi
Nice beans,
Jermaine Henry
Morning gesture drawing practice. Right image: trying out different methods and trying to exaggerate pose. Left image: think I got something close to a gesture drawing after focusing on exaggeration and making sure to keep lines to a minimum. Suggestions welcome.
Jermaine Henry
Asked for help
Hi all, I'm practicing gesture drawing, and I'm having difficulty getting the proportions right while still keeping everything fluid. When I try drawing with the single line strokes like I've seen in Proko's Step By Step Gesture Drawing, it's hard to determine the relative sizes of different areas. So far I've come up with faintly sketching out basic shapes first and then overlaying them with the line strokes, but it does make the whole process much slower and stiff. Any suggestions or tips to get around this would really help.
I'm assuming your a relative beginner therefore don't have a lot of dexterity with a pencil quite yet but don't worry because that's just something that comes with time but for some good practice you can look up line exercises to improve quicker. Proportion is something else you can study but also something that can come with time too. Maybe next time you practice gesture you can focus mainly on getting those swift gestural marks from your shoulder and worrying less about proportion and then in another session try to focus more on proportion and less line quality, instead of trying to wrap your brain around all these things at once try to tackle em one at a time. Good luck on your journey