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Sandra Süsser
added comment inLinear Layin – Anatomical Forms
Kinda went a bit ahead in the basic layin stage, but polished and corrected it even further for this anatomy-outline part.

Marcus Solomon
Beautiful! And, so clean :)
Marcus Solomon
I did okay! I did an initial version without reference to see what I would be able to do from memory. Then drew along with Stan.
(1) My knowledge of the forearm is tragic.
(2) I missed a handful of smaller muscles - teres minor, cortical brachialis
(3) I made the tensor fasicae too big.
(4) In general I also just skipped the direction of lines of the muscle since I felt like I was guessing. But, after seeing Stan's version I think I should have gone for it!
If you have any feedback or suggestions, let me know!
Marcus Solomon
Asked for help
Hello! I first did an initial pass on my own, then drew along w/ Stan for my "corrected" pass.
I realized:
(1) I didn't pay any attention to tendons and bone on the first attempt!
(2) a lot of my origin / attachments were wrong!
(3) I also learned that the trapezius has 3 heads and a really interesting tendonous corner along the scapula.
(4) my lower back knowledge has some serious gaps
Would love any additional feedback! :)
Marcus Solomon
I came across the word "capon" which apparently is a "cockerel that has been castrated or neutered, either physically or chemically, to improve the quality of its flesh for food, and, in some countries like Spain, fattened by forced feeding".
That gave me the idea to create a rooster that has been warped in a lab and is rather ornery about the whole business.
I had a lot of fun, but I am wondering if I should have pushed it further and weirder than I did!