Marcy Pineda
Marcy Pineda
Hi everyone! I'm here to learn art as much as I can, I want to be several things in the creative industry so im trying to maxmize my learning :)
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Marcy Pineda
It was a bit challenging to do it straight from observation since the cast shadows were diffused just based off my light lamp. I’m also not sure how to shade or draw diffused cast shadow so I tried my best 😭 Anyways, critiques are welcome! :)
Josh Fiddler
Hey, it's been a while and maybe you've figured this part out but for others following, I thought I'd say something about your issues. Overall, I'd say you did alright. The diffuse cast shadow can be understood from considering the light source and what impacts shadow shapes and qualities. Notice that the penumbra is quite large in both references. Going back to the earlier materials, that's because the light source is so close to the object. Remember, a lightbulb is somewhere between an area source and a point source and when it's as close as it is in your photos, the rays hitting it will have a very wide cone and so on the far side of the subject, the cast shadow is quite long but also the penumbra will be stretched and even more diffuse (the light is glancing off the bottles at really shallow angles and scatters the light). Another issue is that the tabletop is somewhat more reflective that is helpful. That desk has a coating that makes it more reflective. Try to use something more matte, like a sheet of printer paper or if you have it, a large sheet of plain newsprint. You want to minimize the variety of colours and textures that might skew your eye's recognition of values as you build facility with recognizing value simple contrasts.
Marcy Pineda
Quick and Simple Eggs! :))
Martha Muniz
Marcy Pineda
Notes I took from the video! I’ll look back on this again in case I forget something. Already feel like my mind is expanding and learning a lot :)
Woo Joo
Great notes! Dorien's videos pack a ton of information, I tend to revisit them a bunch when doing the assignments.
Marcy Pineda
Here is my egg sketches assignment! Some of them I did from observation others I did from imagination! I pushed myself a bit more and did 13 instead of 4-5 since I think the more you can do the more practice you can get in! I think I have a hard time understanding where the cast shadow should land though. (13 for example is WAYYYY OFFFFF) I looked at other critiques here but I still don’t fully understand lol i also did an extra mini assignment for myself and took pictures of objects around my house and labeled which one is the specular reflection and the diffuse reflection. Like Dorian mentioned in the recorded lesson, a lot of them have a mixture of both! I think doing the extra assignment really helped me ingrain to my brain which one is which and how light works. Anyways, if anybody has critiques all critiques are welcome!! :D
Marcy Pineda
I like this!! I kept pausing the video to take as many notes as I can, maybe as a mini exercise for myself i can find images on google on objects reflecting light and label which one is the Specular reflection and which one is the diffuse reflection and why! That will help me look back on my notes and then this video.
Marcy Pineda
Asked for help
Hi everyone!!! I decided to do the assignments traditionally so I wrote on my sketchbook instead (I might change to digital to try a bit of both and maximize my learning!) Here’s what I wrote on my sketchbook. I also don’t have any photos of me in this device but this the most recent drawing I’ve done of myself lol. The style is panty and stocking inspired!
Change To ‘Atylass’ From The Game.
4/1/2023 Okay. There’s 2 major problems I have when doing quick-sketch gesture sessions. I struggle with drawing foreshortened arms and hands pointing towards the screen. (Think of it as “breaking the forth wall”). Another problem is I can’t make asymmetrical shapes out of the contours, like with this example: Any tips would be greatly appreciated.
Marcy Pineda
Hi crimson! To get to drawing foreshortening poses requires some perspective, overlapping and cross contouring with the figure. Right now I wouldn’t focus on perspective and try to take things a step at a time before you get there! Try to practice the simple poses first. From your figures you provided here I can tell you are drawing with your wrist and not your shoulder and which causes your poses to look stiff. This could also be due to the material you might be using to draw. If you can I recommend getting a newsprint pad with conte! However if you choose not to and want to continue with a sketchbook look into other materials you can use to draw figure to have more gesture in your lines. asymmetry is everywhere around the body and not just a blobs. If we didn’t have asymmetry, our bodies wouldn’t be able to function right and move awkwardly! think of the body of straight vs curves, and simplify it based on that. (Straight is bone and curve is muscle) Like proko said in the first video don’t focus too much on the details and just simplify. From there it’s all practice and observational drawing.
Marco Sordi
2023/1/4. Good morning everybody. Here’s my today’s 30 minutes warming up exercise. Thanks.
Marcy Pineda
This is amazing Marco! What materials did you use for this? Is this conte on newsprint paper?
Marco Sordi
2022/4/17. Good morning everybody. Here’s my today’s 30 mins warming up exercise. Thanks.
Marcy Pineda
Looks great! keep up the good work!
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