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added comment inGesture Drawing Essentials
Hi, Sara speaking! I'm following the first lesson of this classroom and I tried to draw along the woman's figure together with the teacher (after having watched it once beforehand): that would be the figure on the left. Then I came back to it twice, stopping the video, and tried to correct the things that seemed off to me compared to the lesson's drawing (figure to the right, red for the firs batch of corrections, blue for the second. I am of course probably still wrong cause I'm "correcting" my own drawing). I decided to post because I found it very interesting how twisted is the internalised idea I have (and maybe many women alongside myself) of what the proportions of a woman should be (my take 1)! Very elongated (too elongated! especially long legs!), super high and cinched waist, awfully small head and incredibly wide hips... it was very interesting to realise how off and unrealistic are the proportions my brain believes to be the "standard" ones for women (and that maybe it feels it has to adhere to!). Just thought I'd share, if anyone else finds it interesting too :)
maciek szczech
It's interesting what you noticed and also because of the self-conscious process / analysis. I like the quality of the lines (although sometimes repetitive) in both your drawings. Thank you for sharing and keep up practising.