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added comment inHow to Draw Gesture – Step by Step
Asked for help
Im pretty new to proko, and I wanted to get better at drawing figures the way I imagine them. Ive done some quick 30 second gesture sketches from images i found online. I think I need improve the proportions. Any recommendations? Thanks!
Luigi Manese
Hi @Boomblooka, to address your question about proportions specifically, are you trying to do these gesture studies with standard adult proportions? If so, I feel like your heads may be slightly too big in comparison to the body. In general, the human body is about 6 - 7.5 heads tall. A lot of your studies look like the bodies are about 5 - 5.5 heads tall, so if you lengthen the rest of the bodies for your future studies then the proportions should feel right.
Hope this helps!