Christopher Tomley
Christopher Tomley
Lincoln UK
Welcome bold adventurer! Join me in my quest to learn how to draw! Feel free to say hi or leave constructive feedback. Safe travels!
Activity Feed
Christopher Tomley
Finally back doing some drawing! I've started following a intro to drawing animals course. It's my first introduction to learning about gesture and anatomy.
Luigi Manese
Hi @Christopher Tomley, this is a pretty solid start! This is a bit late but maybe I can give some input that you can take into consideration for your next study (I'm assuming this drawing might already be finished by now haha). So, I googled Grogu and I'm pretty sure I found the image that you were referencing from. From what I can see in the image, Grogu is mostly in shadow, and he has a source of really strong direct light coming from the right side. Having this information is critical because this is what's going to inform our plan for the drawing. So, we want to keep the separation of light and shadow clear on our object, this means that the area of direct light coming from the right side needs to have a clear value separation from everything else (which is in shadow). It looks like you added a lot of detailed information in the fabric which could be simplified more. Most of his clothing is being hit by ambient light, so the value variation between the folds is going to be very subtle. This is the main thing that I tackled in my paint over below. Doing this allows for a clear separation between the direct light, the ambient light, and the ambient occlusion in the deep folds of his clothes. Hope this helps and let me know if there is anything that I can clear up for you!
Christopher Tomley
Hey @Luigi Manese thankyou for taking the time to do such a detailed response. The draw over really helps me see what you mean. I deffinetly felt scared of not going dark enough but then ended up going to far with it. I can also see where you mean about separating the direct light from the ambient. I think oppositely I was afraid to be bold with my lighter values. I sadly did continue and finish this project but I will take your feedback to my next project thankyou!
Christopher Tomley
My finished Grogu
Sketcher Ameya
The shading is awesome
Christopher Tomley
Christopher Tomley
Hey everyone! So I'm currently working through 'drawing on the right side of the brain' and one of the first assignments was to copy a drawing upside down. After completing that I decided to have a go on my own image. In this case a screen shot of Grogu. I finished the line drawing and then got brave and brought some charcoals. This is the first time I've had a crack at shading and would love some feedback and advice on my progress so far before I tackle the face. Many thanks in advance Chris
Christopher Tomley
Hey everyone! My name's Chris and I've recently taken up drawing mainly due to the draftsman podcasts infectious enthusiasm and positivity. I've started with the book 'drawing on the right side of the brain' Then I'm hoping to move on to one of the great courses on here. Here's one of my assignments from the book and a personal WIP of Grogu using a photo reference. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated 🙂
Julia Whitenight
I'm back into art because of the Draftsmen podcast. Those guys are amazing, aren't they?
Christopher Tomley
I'm a total beginner myself but I've just started a similar project. I just went for it with charcoal and I've loved the process so far. I'd highly recommend some paper stumps (not sure of the official name) they really help for blending.
Thank you for the advice! i will defentely check it out! :)
Mira Sand
Hello everyone! I'm new here and I'm super excited to be a part of this community. Here's my submission for the challenge. In my submission James Gurney has fallen victim to his own fantastical creation, morphing into one of his beloved dinosaurs-the triceratops. I love dinosaurs and James Gurney is an incredible dinosaur artist so this just made sense to me. I had a lot of fun doing it. Special thanks to Proko, Ethan and the team for always providing the most fun challenges that help me break away from day to day work. #Prokochallenge
Christopher Tomley
I love the story to this, the colour palette is really easy on the eye.
Christopher Tomley
Asked for help
I got abit brave and attempted to shade using charcoal. Ive jumped in to this with no guidance, so far I've been trying to copy the values from the picture. Any feedback would great on what I could look out for/improve.
Christopher Tomley
Decided to try the upside down method on my own project. I found a screenshot of Grogu online and tried to find the lines whilst having the image upside down.
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