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Luigi Manese
added comment inGestures!
Hi @Bruno Khoueiry-Jaber, from what I can see, it looks like some of your quicker studies have more of that 'Force' that you're looking for. I'm especially seeing it in your second image. In order to create a stronger sense of gesture, you want to find opportunities to simplify some parts of the body to make big sweeping lines.
In your second image for example, I like how you simplified the gesture from the head, down to the spine, and to the bottom of the legs, as one big line. In contrast, look at the first image you posted. By spending more time on the drawing, you got more caught up in the details of the drawing and lost opportunities to design and simplify the gesture. Just be aware of the principle and try to apply them in your longer gesture studies and I feel you'll be well on your way to finding that 'Force'.
Hope this helps! Let me know if there is anything that I can clear up for you

Bruno Khoueiry-Jaber
Thanks Luigi! I know what you are talking about, i'll try to apply it as much as possible.
Vincentius Sesarius
You're on a good start! It's great that you've know Matessi's work in drawing with Force. As I can see from your work, they still seem to be a little stiff. It may seems obvious to me, but I will say that you lack the Force line itself. If you try to observe Matessi's works, you can clearly see the Force lines creating the direction of the form. The Force lines are basically what we normally call gesture lines. It's the line which indicate balance and movement.
Try to decide then include the Force lines first, before you try to add the details and anatomy in.
Thanks Vincentius! I'll look for that Force line. I think I know what you are talking about.
Steve Lenze
Hey Bruno,
Your gesture drawings are really coming along. I think you should always add a centerline to your drawings, it will help show the orientation of the torso and pelvis. I did a drawing over your first drawing that I think might help you add some "force" to your drawings. I hope this helps :)
Thanks for taking the time to draw what you are trying to explain. It helps!!
Hello all,
I'm looking for some critique on my gestures. I want to know what I can do to really give them a stronger sense of Force (Just like Michael Matessi).