Structure practice

Some structure (I think). Probably should have stuck to boxes so that it's more rigid.
Hey yee! Good job on these, you're definitely on your way to doing some cool drawings.
What I'd say is to focus on gesture, right now our drawings are very stiff. It feels like you've learned some structure stuff, and applying that skill directly. That's not necessarily bad, but it feels like you've given up the other drawing skills you need to practice structure.
The things I'd recommend doing are to draw lots of lines, circles, and swaths of tone. The second thing I'd recommend is to look at the teachers at the Watts Atelier. I've included some drawings by @Erik Gist that you might find inspiring.
The next things is to take photographing your drawings more seriously. The photographing of your drawing is part of the presentation. It's currently not well lit, and as a result it's hard to tell what's happening. If you do take better photos of your studies, it will communicate to others that you're taking your education seriously. Also if you get into the habit now, people will have a better idea of how to help you since they'll be able to see your drawings better.
Hope this helps!
Hi @yeej9354 I think sticking to boxes for the torso would be a good idea since it looks like using a slightly complex form (like the one you're using now) is throwing you off a bit. It also looks like your gesture lines for your figures is getting mixed up with your centerlines, but we can more accurately assess that if you do decide to do another go at these using boxes.
It may also help to do some exercises of drawing boxes on a page and making sure the perspective of all of those boxes feel right. If you need help with any of these, feel free to tag me and I can take a look!