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added comment inProject - Learning to Sketch from Imagination
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I played around with the boxy shape of the capybara before arriving at a rounder onigiri shape lol. I’m not sure if it simplified it too much for this exercise but I love her round little body
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First attempts, before watching the demo vs second attempts after watching the demo video. (Second attempts have the dates at the bottom)
The biggest difference I noticed is the attention to detail in my boot laces. And also the general shape of the snail.
You've got some really nice tapered lines. I can see a lot of improvement between the two. Your first attempt had very hairy lines, but the second ones have much cleaner sweeping lines.
A small not on the second snail: you added darker lines over a light sketch for the snail but not the wood, giving the wood a messy vibe. Consider giving it the same outline treatment as you did with the rest of the snail!
Two questions:
1) how do I empty the staedtler sharpener once it gets full?
2) is the hole on the bottom for storing the extra white bits?
Hey Kristelle,
I think your questions are answered but this is a visual answer:
I'm pretty sure the bottom hole just forms a post to attach the metal sharpener to. I went and got my spare felt's thinking your idea with a little tape was genius, but felts are just to large meaning they would be impossible to get back out.
1 - the entire top black part pulls off like a lid, so that the entire interior including the sharpening blades are exposed. You can just dump the graphite shaving out and then gently push the black lid back on.
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Here is my submission for level 2, using toned paper as the lighter mid-tone
Very cool, I love the toned paper and the warmth it gives to the values. Well chosen. This looks great, edges are clear and I think those blocky shapes instead of curved lines work well for simplifying purposes, and give this drawing a nice style. Lovely. :D.
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Here’s my level one submission! I used the background of the paper as the lighter mid tone
The hope one is so pretty!! And the skull one is pretty rad as well! I’d love to see a photo if you end up finishing that one
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Introducing the continuing adventures of Johnny Socko U7. These are from my imagination.
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I have been sketching every day since the new year and trying to use readily available tools. I liked the advice not to be too precious with our sketchbook. It is liberating!