Kess Marks
Kess Marks
Activity Feed
Kess Marks
After the critique I went back to the boots and the laces. I had definately misunderstood the exercise, focussing on proportions much more than curve quality. My second version feels so much more dynamic! I see the whole point of th CSI curves now. I know I still have a way to go. And you can also see I got tired, more insecure and that my pencil was not as sharp for the left boot which came later. Multiple lessons were learned!
Kess Marks
I enjoyed this exercise until I got to the laces. They annoyed me so much, which made me rush them, and it it shows. Any one any tips on how to tackle the laces better?
Melanie Scearce
I think slowing down to the speed of your thoughts is the best way to move forward with the laces. It may also be a great time to take a break on that drawing -- once you're done with the main parts of the boots, come back in 15 mins to a half and hour and start fresh with the laces. That could help a lot with any tension built up while working and you'll be less likely to rush.
Kess Marks
After drawing the pears and and watching the pear demo I was curious how much harder the level two exercise would be, so I did the face as well. Proportions are so much harder when it comes to faces! And it is soo tempting to make it look more realistic with squiggly shapes. Comments very welcome!
Kess Marks
Here is my rendition of the three pear references provided. I stuggled with the lighter tones, making them not too dark but also not look patchy... Any advice is welcome!
Kess Marks
After watching the comments I went in an did one more pear, quite happy with the result except for the background, I should have left it out, or make it even darker, but I am afraid to do so.
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