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added comment inProject - Gestural Torso Boxes
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Here’s my attempt at level 2. This felt challenging, but rewarding. Definitely wasn’t sure how to interpret some of the poses. Looking forward to seeing them analyzed in future videos.
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Here’s my attempt at level 1. In general, I found twist hard, but I think I’m starting to get a hang of them? I put stars by the ones I had troubles with, and two stars by the one I couldn’t quite figure out.
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My idea for this assignment was a smiling house and a twisting tree house.
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This project was helpful! It took some of the pressure off drawing figures. I’m having trouble figuring out how to add limbs to the torso. I tried to start with blobs, but I couldn’t quite envision how the forms attach together. What is the cross contour doing where the arm, legs meet the torso? Especially for back legs. Even trying to have X-ray vision I couldn’t figure out how the two forms attach?
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Of my attempts, I liked this one the best. I didn’t know ginger root could be interesting to draw.
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I’m pretty new to painting of any type, so I didn’t completely know what I was doing. But I had fun, and really enjoyed this lesson!
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Here’s my attempt at level 1 and 2. I found the level 2 very challenging, especially figuring out how to converge lines when the hips or torso is tilted. Also found it difficult to know where to place the boxes in relationship to each other. Would love feedback. Thanks!
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I struggled with this assignment. For the level 2, I decided to try a factory conveyor belt instead of a tank. I’m not very happy with my result. I think I understand theory, but my execution isn’t quite there. I think I just need more practice with boxes first.
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I struggled seeing head angles for level 1, but I still wanted to try the level 2 part. I tried to go at a quicker pace than I’m comfortable with, so I can work on doing more iterations during my practice sessions. This took me 45 min. I would love feedback. Thank you!