Kai Neuhaus
Kai Neuhaus
Activity Feed
Kai Neuhaus
A few years back, when i followed Marshall's first Perspective Course i also watched Phil's Videos on Youtube about drawing and constructing plants and environments. Didnt know you guys knew each other. I also watched Proko and Draw-a-Box ( Which was build by a Student of Peter Hans Workshops i think). Small world. A long time ago i "downloaded" Maya and some videos from Alex Alvarez, because i saw some cool 3d images in a magazin. Alex is an awesome instructor but what i learned was setting up maya, pushing buttons and nudging vector points and to hate my small 15" Monitor. Maya was completly useless to me. I should've focused on perspective and composition and shape language because that was what i liked in those images.
Kai Neuhaus
Hi there, my name is kai. I would say my artistic goal is to draw forshorten dynamic poses in rooms with a nice view more freely and instinctively. I also dabble a bit in woodworking and wood like to sketch furniture free without thinking to much about the construction. So i really looking forward to the second part of the course. My skill level is silver league maybe gold on good days :P but i don't draw enough to know for sure. I really enjoyed the first version of marshalls perspective course and i thought it was way underpriced. So i give this man the money he deserves and hope i draw more in the process.
Kai Neuhaus
Asked for help
More difficult than i thought. In Particular those Eyes. It feels like i have a "step" in my shoulder joint.
Kai Neuhaus
Hi you guys, finally could get over myself to post something. I call it pear number one. It would be really great if people would point me in the right direction when i misunderstood the assignment but i understand that im pretty late to the party so no worries.
Rico Puschmann
Hi, it is never to late to start. The pear looks good to me. I am not a pro myself but as I understood, we should use two dark values and 3 light values including the highlights. You have only used one dark tone on the pear and the shadow. All in all, I like what you do!
Noe Luis
I gotta say keep it up Feels like you know what your doing
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