Justin Hatcher
Snohomish Wa.
22. Studying Illustration, Vis. Dev. and Animation
Activity Feed
Justin Hatcher
Asked for help
Hi I'm new here to Proko. Here are 2 paintings I did a couple of months ago. Let me know what you think! thanks!
For your Portraits I would mix in a few hard edges with all those soft edges. Use your shapes and edges to draw the eye (pun intended) of your audience
Adam Wiebner
Asked for help
shoulder practice! This is a warm up process following some of suggested practices in the lesson. I am curious to learn other artists routines for warm ups
Matthew Manghi
Here's my stab at at. Decided to get out the anatomy book and see if I could figure out the musculature of "He-Man" in his signature pose. I've never really tried to do something like that and it was pretty fun. Not sure if it's what you folks were looking for, but it certainly was a great learning process for myself, since I've never really tried to go through the musculature of the whole figure like this before.
Justin Hatcher
Here are my oblique drawings from this morning. I am open to any and all critiques :)