Howard Chiang
Howard Chiang
Activity Feed
Howard Chiang
Looking for critique. Thank you!
I think these are a little stiff and could be more exaggerated. It’s very hard to not focus on the contour which I feel like you might be doing a little and just try to show the motion. Something that might help you do that is just try to see where the main motions are and where to exaggerate before you start drawing it.
Howard Chiang
8/6/22: Draw-along to the video. I went faster today, so the lines aren't as clean.
Howard Chiang
Title should be "foreshortening"!
Howard Chiang
Here's my full set of bean sketches. Critique requested--thank you!
Howard Chiang
First image should be "foreshortening".
Howard Chiang
What's the difference between this 40 min video and the Tilt & Lean, Twist, And Foreshortening videos? Are the latter just this video, split apart?
Jaemoon Lee
Yes. This way you can download the videos seperately instead of the whole 40min video.
Howard Chiang
8/4/22: Draw-along to the video. I found Twist much more difficult than Tilt & Lean. Any critique is welcome!
Howard Chiang
#7 should actually be two different sketches!
Howard Chiang
8/3/22: Draw-along to the video. Any critique is welcome!
I think they overall work and make sense from what I understand. The only critique I have is to work on improving your line quality. I'm noticing some heavy areas that have a little bit of overwork to them. I also am seeing you struggle a little with transitioning along curves, where you can see a start and stop when you hit a strong curve. I'm not perfect at ellipses either, but I think this lesson from drawabox may help you.
Howard Chiang
Hi there! I'd appreciate any critique of my "2 min" gesture sketches. Thanks in advance! :)
Dudts Draws
I'd recommend you focus more on the flow of the figure, Vilppu does it really nicely, it helps to see him draw here :
Howard Chiang
8/2/22: Quicksketch draw-alongs. Today, I drew on my own first, then tried to copy the video again within the 2 min timeframe.
Howard Chiang
7/30/22: Quicksketch draw-alongs. I tried to be a bit more honest about my time. I'm trying to draw to the 2 min level of detail, but a lot of my time is spent redrawing lines that don't show up on paper how I intended in my mind. Arms and legs give me particular difficulty.
Reviewing your drawings I can see what you mean about having difficulty with the arms and legs. I'm wondering if you're trying to imbue too much detail in both the hands and joints. For instance the gesture on the far right I can see some definition of the elbow joint when really I should either by a sharp transition to show the tension or a smooth one. Instead, I have a feeling you're looking too much at replicating the contour vs the gesture itself. In other words, concentrate more on the main gesture and the feeling of the gesture vs getting caught up in replicating the details/contours.
Howard Chiang
Quicksketch draw-alongs. I gave myself more time as I am a beginner.
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