Traverse City MI
Hi I'm Hails! I was an art kid but stopped my art journey for 13 years. Until now! I recovered my passions and ready to start once again ❤️
Activity Feed
Here are my 2 recent drawings and the reference photo, I've really enjoyed drawing insects!
Really proud of this one! Still trying to get the hang of the speed and confidence but I drew this white pumpkin! I did a red block out layer, 2H CSI layer and then a 4B tapered stroke layer.
Pete Oster
You did a great job here! I can definitely see all your value differences used. The shape of the pear looks really good too :)
Top pear is before demo, bottom is after. Definitely had a hard time with the shading variations with the first pear but after demo I feel like I understood it a little more!
Ionuț Irime Nicolae
i think you should diferenciate the value more
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