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That was quite a fun and tough exercise. Im going to practice form intersections regularly, good sketch book exercise
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not really used to draw digitally but I wanted it for this assignment. otherwise its hard to see the light lines if I draw with pencil.
I am struggling with a portrait and the ear placement, any help is appreciated.
In this reference, the head is every so slightly tilted (top tilted away from viewer), also it looks as if the camera is looking up at the face. I may be wrong there.
I tried to place the oval correctly but I face an issue where the ear never fits into the lower far corner of the oval, which is the usual placement.
I draw a line from the top of the ear to the right eyebrow to get the center ellipse line and then draw in the perpendicular one (in perspective) but either the oval becomes too large, the 'thirds' do not quite match the reference or, most commonly, the ear is quite off. It portrudes A LOT from the face and I cannot fit it into the oval correctly.
Now, from the top of ear to the right eyebrow MIGHT be my mistake since this guy is not really looking up. From the course I remember the horizontal oval line should only go up or down if the person is looking up or down. But trying to have a straight horizonal line for the oval does not work AT ALL. I am honestly at a loss here, why there is a line going UP from top of ear to eyebrow, I have no idea. Might be the camera position?
If someone could draw the loomis circle and oval (with the guide lines) in correctly it would help me a lot I think. Getting the off-center camera, head tilt and turned head all aligned correctly in perspective might just be too much for my skill at the moment.
hello, this should be somewhat correct. the eyebrow is higher than the top of the ear because of the perspective.
this is just the standard head I use for construction, just to show the perspective. I did not use the proportions or features of the picture.
20 minute pose, but i did some minutes longer, 22, 23 maybe. time runs so fast! Tough when it comes to anatomy and poses
since I like to draw more stylized and less realistic, I use my own slighty changed loomis head. think I could have gone a bit more extreme in the angle, more downward. the mouth stil confuses me when I need to draw it from upward or downward angles.
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My assignment on male abs. Some figures are from reference and some from imagination.
Hi @Philip, nice studies! Great to hear that you're practicing drawing from imagination as well! I'll try to look for things to improve on:
- I think the belly button ended up a litte low in drawings 6, 7 & 4.
- I think the origin ended up a little low in all of these. I think the pubic crest starts above the genetalia.
I think what would help you improve the fastest would be to go through the Figure Drawing Fundamentals course. When your gesture and structure are strong, the anatomy and shading will improve automatically. If you'd like, you could tag me in your next post and I could take a look at your gesture quicksketches.
Hope this helps :) Keep up the good work!
Here's a little story from my life:
5 years ago when I decided I wanted to learn how to draw the figure ( I wanted to learn how to draw Tarzan XD, that's why. I've been a huge fan of Disney's Tarzan since I was a baby :D ), I found Proko's anatomy course. I started taking it but felt like something was missing when i compared my drawings to Stan's, so I went to the figure drawing course instead. I´m so glad I did! It gave me exactly what I wanted!; being able to draw gestural 3-dimensional figures, from imagination. I learned the most important part about drawing Tarzan! I realized that rather than thinking of the figure drawing course being an obstacle in front of the anatomy course, it is more like the Anatomy 1 course.
So, I like to block the shape out before adding the curves. That fixes my tendency to either upgrade or downgrade the size/volume of the breasts. Also, I keep in my mind a focus on what a water balloon might do in the same situation.