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Here are some of my mannequin sketches. Any feedback is welcome.
David Gutmann
As far as I can tell the left ones are really good. You seem to have an understanding of how the forms relate in 3d and took notice of the landmarks. The right one is deffinetly out of proportion. The arms are too massive the lower legs are too long and the upper legs to thin. Also if you look at how the legs atach to the pelvis you will notice that they are not glued to the bottom of it but flow in to it (picture below) I also noticed that your necks seem a little long to me but this might be an illusion caused by the fact that you didnt draw the secondary masses of it. To finish things up I'd advise you to work on a bigger scale. It looks like youre working on din A4 or A3 and you youse only a fraction of the space it provides per mannequinn. I myself have worked in my anatomy and figure studys at that scale for a long time and that makes a lot of sense since working smaller is a lot more forgiving since mistakes are less obvious in a small drawing. I howerver realized that taking as much as a whole A3 page per drawing really improved my learning speed. It forces you to think about every line that you draw and makes scribbling away a lot harder. A nice bonus is that the finished drawings look a lot better and you can go in to more detail. The downside is that it takes a lot longer. I hope that reply wasnt too long and atleast a bit helbpful
Asked for help
Have recently started to practice 2 min gesture drawings after doing 30 second ones. Here are my first 2 minute gesture drawings.
Michael Brinker
I feel like you may be scratching out your lines. Try and make a confident line in one stroke and your pieces will look a lot cleaner. It will be rough at first, trust me I did the same thing, and sometimes still do. While the body is organic and has lots of curves don't be afraid to use straight lines especially in the legs and arms. Keep up the practice.
John Harper
So, the breast is more complex. You've drawn at least one set way to high. I would focus on getting the rib cage and pelvic bucket right first. Good luck.
After a few tries I feel like I am starting to understand the robo bean. Would be happy to receive some critique on these robo beans.
I really like the first two robo beans you did as the connection between the two boxes have nice smooth gesture. Some of the connections for your other beans are too abrupt so maybe keep that in mind for next time. Keep up the good work though.
Hi! Recently completed this assignment. Would appreciate some feedback.
matt santos
Hi Kevin. One thing I would point out is that your shapes (especially for the limbs) aren't well defined. Think of them having to look more like a hard plastic tube (or box). Yours right now kinda looks like Play Doh when you roll it out. Sure, it's a cylinder, but it's not a very defined one. Improving your form will also help you draw more dynamic images, and think of stuff as made out of 3d shapes! Hope this helps!
Shelvs Fleurima
In the first one the leg in the front is coming more toward the viewer, and the torso is curved up. Remember the robo bean. You got a twist and a lean . And avoid balancing this pose too much they are in motion. The second one needs a ferm grasp on the ground with his feet. And be mindful of the curve. Take not of the central line going from the pit of of the neck - sternum - sole of the left foot. This is the dominant curve. now one thing I am realizing, just because we tend to simplify a lot by using C curve it doesn’t mean you con’t bent a bit . remeber CSI ( Miami) C CURVE S CURVE - (C/Z) CURVE WHEN you want to show a quick transition from relaxe to stress. I stiff and usually has to do with Weight.
Shelvs Fleurima
Amazing work
Have recently completed this structure exercise. It took about an hour or more per animal. Am I too slow or is it normal? Does anyone also have any critique to give. Would be grateful for some help.
Thanks for the feedback. I will definitely keep it in mind.
Hi! I have decided to revisit the bean. Here are a few of my examples. Would really appreciate some feedback. I like this exercise, it is easy to see it's applications and it makes me get a greater feel for the pelvis and torso gesture.
A sample of gesture drawings that I did today. Hopefully they look better than the older ones.
My first beans. Feedback would be appreciated.
Some 30 sec gesture drawings I did. Feedback would be appreciated. Will try to do some more 2 min gesture drawings as well, I do however have a hard time making anything resembling a human figure when doing 2 min gesture drawings. :(
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