Activity Feed
I’ve got some big news! My family just welcomed our third child! It was a bit of an early surprise, but we’re all doing great.
Basics students - With this change, the next three months might run a little differently. I’ve built up a backlog of content to keep things moving, but there might still be an occasional gap. If a week goes by without new material, just know it’s temporary. Things will get back to normal soon.
Thanks for your patience as I adjust to life with three kids and gives some attention to my little one. In the meantime, keep practicing, revisit older lessons, or share your progress with the community.
I appreciate all of you. Thanks for being such a supportive group!
Gabriele Minelli
Congratulations Stan! Take your time and sleep enough!
Gabriele Minelli
Asked for help
I went from a Miyazaki classic straight out of the ending titles of Porco Rosso
Wow! This is lovely! Also very clean foreground, midground and background. What did you use as your reference?
Asked for help
Curious pigeon
Asked for help
Here they are