Activity Feed
Decided to have a go at the level 2 assignment and see what comes of it. I actually enjoyed it, although I don’t think a quite achieved the goal, I’m quite pleased with some of these. My struggle is to not get caught up in detail and my perfectionist tendencies. I need to work on letting go of that strong desire to make it look “real”, and play more with shapes and sizes. Still, it feels like progress was made with this.😀
Attempt level 2, tried Birds Eye view need more practice
Melanie Scearce
Super creative. I like how the trees are growing through the architecture. This is a pretty extreme birds eye view so there will be a lot of distortion as you move further away from the camera. You can sketch in a 1 point perspective box to use as a guide to keep your structure organized and see how far you can push it.
Asked for help
My attempt for level 2, any comments appreciated
Enjoyed the exercise, any feedback appreciated, I struggle with bird feet
These are wonderful, and, as far as I can tell, most people struggle with bird feet…and all the other feet too!😆
Rachel Dawn Owens
These are rad
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