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added comment inMannequinization – Structure of the Human Body
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Some initial tries at mannequinization. Will need to get better at defining the shapes.
Great start! Love seeing all the breakdowns of the shapes with cross contours indicating the perspective. For the feet, a shape I like to think about is a wedge, like a triangular piece of cheese. Having a solid flat base for the sole of the feet, but still having that slope at the top, really helps me picture the perspective needed to ground the shape properly. Give it a try! :)
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I don't often draw animals so this is great practice for me as I want to get better at them! Some of them turned out rather rough, I'll have to work on them more.
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First attempt at bean drawing. It's quite difficult figuring out the twists.
These are actually quite well shaped, good job. I would suggest you to now try to do them with cleaner, more continuous lines. Focus on big gestural motions, drawing them bigger overall. It will become easier to feel the gesture that way. And don’t forget to pay close attention to how you place the center lines, they will make or break your volumes.
Best of luck! :)
Asked for help
I think I'm starting to get the hang of it. I watched the video, drew some on my own, then drew along with Stan.
It's already a great start! I love the fluidity and clarity of the energy. The thing I'd recommend is going for longer, more confident strokes, especially keeping an eye out for CSI lines (which are lines that resemble the shape of those letters, more info can be found here along with some great warm-up exercises: 6 Habits for Good Line Quality). By bringing in clearer strokes, it'll help reinforce the great expression you already have in these gestures -- keep up the good work! :)